Desc: 20kr
Currency: Norwegian krone (100o=1k=1kr)
Numerical sorting value: 120000
Equivalent denoms: 20.00(kr) (5), 20.00kr (1)
Unused: 20k
Users of this denom: Norway (11 stamps, 1993-2017)
Used by 11 stamps of Norway: (See all uses as list)
6/17/1993 20kr dkblvio issue=1993 d=King Harald V (1992 b) perf=13.25x13
2/22/1996 20kr issue=Svalbard d=Ursus maritimus perf=13.25
3/8/1996 20kr issue=Queen Sonja and King Harald V perf=13.25x13.75
11/11/2013 20kr issue=2013 d=posthorn (2011) perf=13.5
4/10/2015 20kr issue=350th Anniversary of Halden
10/3/2015 20kr issue=Supreme Court Bicentenary perf=13.25x13.75
11/11/2016 20kr d=Tor Jonsson perf=14.25
1/2/2017 20kr issue=Birds 2017 d=merlin Falco columbarius
1/2/2017 20kr issue=Birds 2017 d=Eurasian hobby Falco subbuteo
11/10/2017 20kr issue=100th Anniversary of the Norwegian Federation of the Deaf d=Hand making a sign perf=13.25x13.75
11/10/2017 20kr issue=100th Anniversary of the Norwegian Federation of the Deaf d=Empty Talking Bubbles perf=13.25x13.75