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2.70l denom (#24433)

  • RO022.07.jpg
  • RO103.16.jpg
  • Colnect-6250-151-Mechanical-Corkscrew-London-19th-century.jpg
  • Colnect-6237-203-Gold-and-Agate-Corkscrew-18th-cent.jpg
  • RO049.17.jpg
  • RO061.17.jpg
  • RO078.17.jpg
  • RO085.17.jpg
  • RO091.17.jpg
  • RO097.17.jpg
  • RO037.18.jpg
  • Colnect-6596-452-Dahlia.jpg
Desc: 2.70l

Currency: Romanian leu (100b=1l)

Numerical sorting value: 16200

Users of this denom: Romania (16 stamps, 2007-2021)

Used by 16 stamps of Romania: (See all uses as list)

3/23/2007 2.70l dt=Romanian Wild Orchids d=Limodorum abortivum (2007) perf=13.5
9/1/2016 2.70l issue=Love Nature! - Ceahlău National Park d=Alcedo atthis (2016) perf=13
10/18/2016 2.70l issue=Romanian collections - corkscrews (i) d=Mechanical corkscrew
3/29/2017 2.70l issue=Romanian collections - Corkscrews II d=Gold and agate corkscrew perf=13
4/21/2017 2.70l issue=Recently extinct species d=passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius)
5/11/2017 2.70l issue=Endangered species d=Lutra lutra (2017)
6/29/2017 2.70l issue=The Bucharest Municipality Museum's Artistic Heritage d=Bust of the Painter Theodor Aman and the painting 'Cherries'
7/7/2017 2.70l issue=Marine Landscapes in painting d='Balchik' by Cecilia Cuțescu-Storck
7/26/2017 2.70l issue=Welcome to Romania d=Clock Tower in Sighișoara town
7/26/2017 2.70l issue=Welcome to Romania d=Clock Tower in Sighișoara town imperf
3/29/2018 2.70l issue=Romanian Collections - Plateaus & Trivets (I) d=Ornamental plateau
1/7/2020 2.70l issue=Flowers 2020 d=Dahlia sp.
3/3/2020 2.70l issue=150th Anniversary of the Dimitrie Brandza Botanical Garden of the University of Bucharest d=Mammillaria magnimamma
4/23/2020 2.70l issue=100th Anniversary of the Franco-Romanian Air Navigation Company
11/19/2020 2.70l issue=Crocodiles 2020 d=Caiman yacare
1/15/2021 2.70l issue=National Culture Day 2021 / 150th Anniversary Since the First Celebration of Romanians from Everywhe d=Mihai Eminescu, 1850-1889