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205(c) denom (#23734)

  • Colnect-863-861-100-Years-Of-Imperial-Assurance-Order.jpg
  • Colnect-1593-132-August-Hermann-Francke-350th-Birthday-Anniversary.jpg
Desc: 205(c)

Currency: euro (100c=1e)

Numerical sorting value: 12300

Equivalent denoms used by Germany: 2,05€ (1)
Only used by others: 2.05€ (4), 2.05e (1)

Users of this denom: Germany (2 stamps, 2011-2013)

Used by 2 stamps of Germany: (See all uses as list)

5/5/2011 205(c) issue=Centenary of Insurance Code
3/1/2013 205(c) issue=August Hermann Francke 350th Birthday perf=13.75