Desc: 3.75z
Currency: Polish złoty (100gr=100g=1zl=1zt=1z)
Numerical sorting value: 22500
Users of this denom: Poland (11 stamps, 2009-2014)
Used by 11 stamps of Poland: (See all uses as list)
6/4/2009 3.75z issue=20th Anniversary of the election of the Members of Parliament
6/19/2009 3.75z issue=Tall Ships Race "Gdynia 2009" perf=11.5
7/29/2009 3.75z issue=65th Anniversary of Warsaw Rebuild
8/5/2009 3.75z dt=flowers and Fruits (2009) d=Calendula officinalis perf=11.5
10/6/2009 3.75z issue=European Capital Cities 2009 d=Helsinki
8/31/2010 3.75z issue=30th Anniversary of Solidarnosc
6/14/2013 3.75z issue=Lighthouses 2013 d=Ustka1892 perf=11.5x11
7/17/2014 3.75z issue=History of polish photography 2014 d=Royal Foundry Fragment of the city
8/29/2014 3.75z issue=Mushrooms of the Polish woods
8/29/2014 3.75z issue=Mushrooms of the Polish woods perf=Syncopated 11.5
9/22/2014 3.75z issue=Alternative Energy d=Wind energy power perf=11