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1cg denom (#2169)

  • Colnect-1711-874-General-Nord-Alexis.jpg
  • Colnect-3573-406-Fran%C3%A7ois-C-Antoine-Simon-1843%E2%80%931923.jpg
  • Colnect-3573-529-President-Michel-Cincinnatus-Leconte-1852-1912.jpg
  • Colnect-3587-794-Overprinted--stamps-1912---President-Leconte.jpg
Desc: 1cg

Currency: Haitian gourde (100c=100cg=100cp=1p=1g)

Numerical sorting value: 60

Equivalent denoms: 1c (62), 1cp (2)

Users of this denom: Haiti (4 stamps, 1906-1914)

Used by 4 stamps of Haiti: (See all uses as list)

7/28/1906 1cg bl issue=1906b dt=landmarks2 d=General Pierre Nord Alexis 1820–1910
1910 1cg lake&blk d=President Simon
1912 1cg brncar d=President Leconte
6/1914 1cg brncar issue=1914c d=President Leconte ovpt=box(GL O.Z.//7 FEV. 1914) oc=blk on=1912-1cg