Desc: 4,5s
Currency: Austrian schilling (100g=1s)
Numerical sorting value: 27000
Equivalent denoms: 4.50s (34)
Users of this denom: Austria (11 stamps, 1984-1986)
Used by 11 stamps of Austria: (See all uses as list)
1984 4,5s issue=Railway jubilee d=Tauern Railway Train on the Falkenstein Bridge perf=14x14.25
2/10/1984 4,5s issue=No more civil war 50th perf=14
5/4/1984 4,5s issue=Austria Tobacco 200th perf=13.5
5/4/1984 4,5s issue=1200th Anniversary of Köstendorf d=Köstendorf perf=13.5
5/11/1984 4,5s d=Duke Johann perf=14
5/18/1984 4,5s issue=Monasteries and Abbeys d=Premonstratensian Abbey Schlägl perf=14x13.75
5/30/1984 4,5s issue=Vöcklabruck 850th d=Vöcklabruck perf=14.25x13.5
6/5/1984 4,5s issue=stream erosion control 100th d=stream falling over retaining wall perf=13.75
11/9/1984 4,5s d=Press society perf=13.5
11/30/1984 4,5s issue=Christmas 1984 perf=14
1/24/1986 4,5s d=Johann Böhm perf=13.75