Desc: 6p25c
Currency: Spanish peseta (100c=100cs=1ptas=1pta=1pts=1p)
Numerical sorting value: 37500
Users of this denom: German offices in Morocco (5 stamps, 1900-1911)
Used by 5 stamps of German offices in Morocco: (See all uses as list)
10/1/1900 6p25c d=Wilhelm II speaking (Reichspost) var=thick 5 ovpt=Marocco//value oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1900-5m-var=thick 5
10/1/1900 6p25c d=Wilhelm II speaking (Reichspost) var=thin 5 ovpt=Marocco//value oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1900-5m-var=thin 5
10/1/1905 6p25c issue=1905 d=Wilhelm II speaking (Deutsches Reich) ovpt=Marocco fraktur//value oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1902-5m
1906 6p25c issue=1906 d=Wilhelm II speaking (Deutsches Reich) ovpt=Marocco fraktur//value oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1902-5m
1911 6p25c issue=1911 d=Wilhelm II speaking (Deutsches Reich) ovpt=Marokko//value oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1902-5m
All are sl&car