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0.50d denom (#20506)

  • Colnect-2758-528-Missile-Boat.jpg
  • Colnect-174-366-Mount-Parnassos-Ski-Resort-Central-Greece.jpg
Desc: 0.50d

Currency: Greek drachma (100l=1dr=1d)

Numerical sorting value: 50

Equivalent denoms: 50l (102)

Users of this denom: Greece (2 stamps, 1978-1979)

Used by 2 stamps of Greece: (See all uses as list)

12/15/1978 0.50d issue=Greek naval ships dt=Greek naval ships d=Missile Boat
12/15/1979 0.50d dt=Greek landscapes (1979) d=Mount Parnassos Ski Resort Central Greece perf=12.5x13.75

All are wmk=crowns