Desc: 3.50p
Currency: Argentine peso (100c=8r=1$a=1$=1pa=1p)
Numerical sorting value: 21000
Equivalent denoms: $3.50 (1)
Users of this denom: Argentina (12 stamps, 2006-2013)
Used by 12 stamps of Argentina: (See all uses as list)
3/3/2006 3.50p dt=Wine regions d=Rio Negro perf=14
3/11/2006 3.50p issue=America 2006 dt=musical instruments (2006 Argentina) perf=14
7/22/2006 3.50p issue=30th Council of the Common Market and Summit of the Presidents of the Mercosur and Associated States perf=14
2/23/2013 3.50p issue=200th Anniversary of the Battle of Salta
3/9/2013 3.50p issue=Bicentennial of the Constituent General Assembly
3/23/2013 3.50p issue=Popular Festivals VI d=Fiesta Nacional del Petroleo
3/23/2013 3.50p issue=Popular Festivals VI d=Festival Nacional de Folklore
3/23/2013 3.50p issue=Popular Festivals VI d=Fiesta Nacional del Limon
3/23/2013 3.50p issue=Popular Festivals VI d=Fiesta Nacional de la Trucha
4/27/2013 3.50p issue=400th Anniversary of the National University of Cordoba
5/2/2013 3.50p issue=Joint issue with Vatican and Italy - Beginning of the Pontificate of HH Francis
5/2/2013 3.50p issue=Joint issue with Vatican and Italy - Beginning of the Pontificate of HH Francis