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350(pf) denom (#2011)

  • DBP_1988_1393_Hedwig_Dransfeld.jpg
  • Colnect-6082-969-Externsteine-rocks-Horn-Bad-Meinberg.jpg
  • Colnect-5382-299-Edelweiss.jpg
Desc: 350(pf)

Currency: Deutsche Mark (100pfg=100pf=1dm)

Numerical sorting value: 21000

Users of this denom: Germany (3 stamps, 1988-1991)

Used by 3 stamps of Germany: (See all uses as list)

11/10/1988 350(pf) issue=famous women dt=famous women d=Hedwig Dransfeld perf=14
2/9/1989 350(pf) issue=1987 dt=tourist attractions d=Externsteine Horn-Bad Meinberg perf=14
3/12/1991 350(pf) dt=flowers (1991 Germany) d=edelweiss (1991)