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3ng denom (#1946)

  • Colnect-1300-478-King-Friedrich-August-II.jpg
  • Sachsen_1855_11_K%25C3%25B6nig_Johann_I.jpg
  • Colnect-3086-381-Coat-of-arms.jpg
Desc: 3ng

Currency: Neugroschen (10pf=1ng)

Numerical sorting value: 1800

Users of this denom: Saxony (4 stamps, 1851-1863)

Used by 4 stamps of Saxony: (See all uses as list)

7/9/1851 3ng blk pc=yel issue=1851 d=Frederick Augustus II imperf
6/1/1855 3ng blk pc=yel issue=1855 d=John I imperf
7/1/1863 3ng bisbrn d=arms of Saxony (1863 b) perf=13
7/1/1863 3ng redbrn d=arms of Saxony (1863 b) perf=13