Desc: 800t
Currency: Mongolian tögrög (100m=1t)
Numerical sorting value: 4800000
Users of this denom: Mongolia (128 stamps, 1997-2020)
Used by 128 stamps of Mongolia: (See all uses as list)
9/15/1997 800t multi&red issue=26th Anniversary of Greenpeace d=Aptenodytes forsteri (1997)
9/15/1997 800t issue=26th Anniversary of Greenpeace d=Aptenodytes forsteri (1997)
12/5/1997 800t issue=Trains 1997 dt=Trains (1997) d=Eurostar High-Speed Train perf=14x14.5
12/5/1997 800t issue=Trains 1997 dt=Trains (1997) d=Steam Locomotive "Rocket" perf=14x14.5
12/5/1997 800t issue=Orchids 1997 dt=orchids (1997 Mongolia) d=Cattleya guttatum
12/5/1997 800t issue=Orchids 1997 dt=orchids (1997 Mongolia) d=Cyrtochilum macranthum
3/15/1998 800t issue=Yaks 1998 dt=yaks (1998) d=Bos mutus (1998) perf=12.25
7/20/1998 800t issue=Fish 1998 dt=fishes (1998 Mongolia)
7/20/1998 800t issue=Fish 1998 dt=fishes (1998 Mongolia)
11/25/1998 800t issue=The Three Stooges perf=13.5
11/25/1998 800t issue=The Three Stooges perf=13.5
11/25/1998 800t issue=The Three Stooges perf=13.5
3/20/1999 800t issue=Falcons 1999 d=Falco rusticolus perf=12.25
4/1/1999 800t issue=The Howdy Doody Show perf=13.75
4/1/1999 800t issue=The Howdy Doody Show perf=13.75
4/1/1999 800t issue=The Howdy Doody Show perf=13.75
7/15/1999 800t issue=I Love Lucy 1999 perf=14
7/15/1999 800t issue=Betty Boop perf=14
7/15/1999 800t issue=Betty Boop perf=14
7/15/1999 800t issue=I Love Lucy 1999 perf=14
10/9/1999 800t issue=125th Anniversary of the Universal Postal Union - Introduction of the Post-rider System by Ogodei Kh perf=12.5
12/17/1999 800t issue=Wolf d=Canis lupus (1999) perf=12
12/20/1999 800t issue=Sheep
12/25/1999 800t issue=Mongolian Scenes perf=12.25
12/25/1999 800t issue=Mongolian Scenes perf=12.25
7/7/2000 800t dt=Classic Trains of the World d=Deltic elec Great Britain perf=14.25
7/7/2000 800t dt=Classic Trains of the World d=The Ringmaster USA 1870 perf=14.25
8/15/2000 800t issue=I Love Lucy 2000 perf=12.75
8/15/2000 800t issue=I Love Lucy 2000
8/17/2000 800t issue=The Three Stooges 2000 perf=12.75
8/17/2000 800t issue=The Three Stooges 2000 perf=12.75
9/15/2000 800t dt=Mongolian Marmot
11/25/2000 800t dt=Trains of the World 2000 b perf=14.25
11/25/2000 800t dt=Trains of the World 2000 b perf=14.25
4/15/2001 800t issue=I Love Lucy 2001 perf=13
4/15/2001 800t issue=I Love Lucy 2001 perf=13
4/15/2001 800t issue=The Three Stooges 2001 perf=12.5
4/15/2001 800t issue=The Three Stooges 2001 perf=12.5
5/1/2002 800t issue=Mongolian Dog d=Canis familiaris (2002) perf=13.5x13
7/1/2002 800t issue=Ancient Rock Drawings
2/1/2003 800t issue=Mushrooms and Birds d=Tricholoma portentosum & Lanius collurio perf=13.25
2/1/2003 800t issue=Mushrooms and Birds d=Lactarius torminosus & Aegithalos caudat… perf=13.25
12/10/2003 800t issue=Mushrooms 2003 dt=mushrooms (2003 Mongolia) d=Hypholoma fasciculare (2003) perf=13.5x13.75
12/10/2003 800t issue=Mushrooms 2003 dt=mushrooms (2003 Mongolia) d=Marasmiellus ramealis perf=13.5x13.75
12/10/2003 800t issue=Mushrooms 2003 dt=mushrooms (2003 Mongolia) d=Collybia fusipes (2003) perf=13.5x13.75
12/10/2003 800t issue=Mushrooms 2003 dt=mushrooms (2003 Mongolia) d=Kueneromyces mutabilis perf=13.5x13.75
12/10/2003 800t issue=Butterflies 2003 dt=butterflies (2003 Mongolia) d=Thecla teresina perf=13.5x13.75
12/10/2003 800t issue=Butterflies 2003 dt=butterflies (2003 Mongolia) d=Theritas cypria perf=13.5x13.75
12/10/2003 800t issue=Butterflies 2003 dt=butterflies (2003 Mongolia) d=Theritas coronata (2003) perf=13.5x13.75
12/10/2003 800t issue=Butterflies 2003 dt=butterflies (2003 Mongolia) d=Thecla phaleros perf=13.5x13.75
(plus 78 more) (See all uses as list)