Desc: 3sgr
Currency: Brunswick thaler (288pf=30sgr=30gr=24ggr=1th)
Numerical sorting value: 1620
Users of this denom: Brunswick (6 stamps, 1852-1865)
Used by 6 stamps of Brunswick: (See all uses as list)
1/1/1852 3sgr org d=arms of Brunswick (1852) imperf
3/1/1853 3sgr blk pc=rose issue=1853 d=arms of Brunswick (1852) wmk=posthorn (Brunswick) imperf
1862 3sgr rose issue=1853 d=arms of Brunswick (1852) wmk=posthorn (Brunswick) imperf
1864 3sgr rose issue=1864 d=arms of Brunswick (1852) wmk=posthorn (Brunswick) perf=roul 12
1864 3sgr rose issue=1864 d=arms of Brunswick (1852) wmk=posthorn (Brunswick) perf=roul 16
10/1/1865 3sgr brn d=arms of Brunswick (1865) wmk=posthorn (Brunswick) perf=serp roul 16