Desc: 5kr
Currency: Swedish krona (100o=1kr=1k)
Numerical sorting value: 30000
Equivalent denoms: Brev Inrikes(=5kr) (132), Brev(=5kr) (527)
Users of this denom: Sweden (95 stamps, 1903-2019)
Used by 95 stamps of Sweden: (See all uses as list)
10/26/1903 5kr blue d=Stockholm Post Office wmk=crown (Sweden) perf=13
4/5/1910 5kr claret pc=yel issue=1910 d=King Gustaf V (1911) wmk=crown (Sweden) perf=13
official 1911 5kr vio issue=1910 official a d=arms of Sweden (1910 b) wmk=crown (Sweden) perf=13
7/4/1924 5kr bl issue=8th UPU Congress d=Gustav V (1924) perf=10v
8/16/1924 5kr bl issue=UPU 50th d=carrier pigeon over globe perf=10v
11/26/1931 5kr dkgrn d=Royal Palace perf=10v
7/14/1941 5kr bl d=Royal Palace perf=*v
9/17/1958 5kr bl d=palace perf=12.75v
3/9/1970 5kr bl&grn issue=1967 perf=*h
3/9/1970 5kr issue=1967 perf=*v
1/29/1981 5kr brnred issue=Ernst Wigforss 100th d=Ernst Wigforss
2/16/1982 5kr brn d=Graziella
1/30/1991 5kr issue=Swedish Maps 1990 dt=Swedish Maps (1990) d=No perforation bottom
1/30/1991 5kr issue=fish 1990 dt=fishes (1990 Sweden) d=Cobitis taenia (1991)
1/30/1991 5kr issue=Swedish Maps 1990 dt=Swedish Maps (1990) d=No perforation top
1/30/1991 5kr issue=Swedish Maps 1990 dt=Swedish Maps (1990) d=No perforation top
1/30/1991 5kr issue=Swedish Maps 1990 dt=Swedish Maps (1990) d=No perforation top
1/30/1991 5kr issue=Swedish Maps 1990 dt=Swedish Maps (1990) d=No perforation bottom
1/30/1991 5kr issue=Swedish Maps 1990 dt=Swedish Maps (1990) d=No perforation bottom
3/22/1991 5kr brnvio issue=1991 d=Queen Silvia (1991) perf=12.5h
5/21/1993 5kr issue=Europa 1993 perf=12.75
5/21/1993 5kr issue=Europa 1993 perf=12.75
5/21/1993 5kr issue=Europa 1993 perf=12.75
8/26/1993 5kr issue=Water Birds 1993 dt=water birds (1993 Sweden) d=red-breasted merganser Mergus serrator perf=12.75h
8/26/1993 5kr issue=Water Birds 1993 dt=water birds (1993 Sweden) d=svarta Melanitta fusca perf=12.75h
8/26/1993 5kr issue=Water Birds 1993 dt=water birds (1993 Sweden) d=Vigg Aythya fuligula (1993) perf=12.75h
8/26/1993 5kr issue=Water Birds 1993 dt=water birds (1993 Sweden) d=common eider Somateria mollissima perf=12.75h
1/17/1994 5kr bl issue=EEA Agreement perf=12.75v
3/18/1994 5kr issue=Culture Interchange Sweden-France perf=12.75
3/18/1994 5kr issue=Culture Interchange Sweden-France perf=12.75
3/18/1994 5kr issue=Culture Interchange Sweden-France perf=12.75
3/18/1994 5kr issue=Culture Interchange Sweden-France perf=12.75
3/18/1994 5kr issue=Culture Interchange Sweden-France perf=12.75
3/18/1994 5kr issue=Culture Interchange Sweden-France perf=12.75
3/17/1995 5kr issue=Europa 1995 perf=12.75
3/17/1995 5kr issue=Europa 1995 perf=12.75
5/12/1995 5kr pur issue=Norden 1995
5/12/1995 5kr grn issue=Norden 1995
5/12/1995 5kr grn issue=Norden 1995
5/12/1995 5kr pur issue=Norden 1995
10/27/1995 5kr issue=Tycho Brahe perf=12.75v
8/23/1996 5kr issue=Mushrooms 1996 dt=mushrooms (1996 Sweden) d=Russula integra
8/23/1996 5kr issue=Mushrooms 1996 dt=mushrooms (1996 Sweden) d=Death trumpets Craterellus cornucopioides
8/23/1996 5kr issue=Mushrooms 1996 dt=mushrooms (1996 Sweden) d=Shaggy ink caps Coprinus comatus
8/23/1996 5kr issue=Mushrooms 1996 dt=mushrooms (1996 Sweden) d=kantarell Cantharellus cibarius
11/8/1996 5kr issue=Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine 1996 d=Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine Bengt Samuelsson
11/8/1996 5kr issue=Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine 1996 d=Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine Hugo Theorell
11/8/1996 5kr issue=Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine 1996 d=Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine Ragnar Granit
11/8/1996 5kr issue=Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine 1996 d=Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine Sune Bergstrom
3/11/1999 5kr issue=Ă–resund Bridge d=Oresund bridge perf=12.75v
(plus 45 more) (See all uses as list)