Prev: 15500L (Romanian leu)
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16000L denom (#18673)

  • Colnect-5396-619-125-Anniversary-of-the-Return-of-Dobruja-to-Romania.jpg
  • Colnect-5183-863-Pope-John-Paul-II-and-Patriarch-Teoctist-I.jpg
  • Colnect-5183-862-Pope-John-Paul-II-and-Patriarch-Teoctist-I.jpg
  • Colnect-5237-541-Common-Heron-Ardea-cinerea.jpg
  • Colnect-5237-543-Mallard-Anas-platyrhynchos.jpg
  • Colnect-5237-542-Great-Crested-Grebe-Podiceps-cristatus.jpg
  • Colnect-5237-544-Great-White-Pelican-Pelecanus-onocrotalus.jpg
  • Colnect-4204-624-550-Years-since-the-Birth-of-Amerigo-Vespucci.jpg
  • RO018.04.jpg
  • Colnect-5647-211-Chamois-Rupicapra-rupicapra.jpg
  • RO037.04.jpg
  • Colnect-5647-207-Red-Deer-Cervus-elaphus.jpg
  • Colnect-5647-247-Brown-Bear-Ursus-arctos.jpg
  • Colnect-5646-837-Common-Pheasant%C2%A0Phasianus-colchicus.jpg
  • Colnect-5646-741-Hunting-Scene.jpg
  • Colnect-5411-129-Gheorghe-Anghel-1904-1966.jpg
  • Colnect-2724-995-50-Years-of-TAROM.jpg
  • Colnect-5741-073-Putna-Monastery.jpg
  • Colnect-5741-074-Voivode-Stephen-the-Great.jpg
  • Colnect-5741-075-Ruins-of-Neam%C8%9B-Citadel.jpg
  • Colnect-5387-039-Lions-Clubs-International.jpg
  • Colnect-5415-765-Wedding-Pitcher-from-Corund-Harghita-County.jpg
Desc: 16000L

Currency: Romanian leu (100b=1l)

Numerical sorting value: 96000000

Users of this denom: Romania (22 stamps, 2003-2005)

Used by 22 stamps of Romania: (See all uses as list)

11/11/2003 16000L issue=Dobrudja return 125th
11/28/2003 16000L issue=Bridge between the Orient and Occident - His Holiness Pope John Paul II - 25 Years of Pontificate
11/28/2003 16000L issue=Bridge between the Orient and Occident - His Holiness Pope John Paul II - 25 Years of Pontificate
1/23/2004 16000L issue=The Danube Delta dt=birds of the Danube Delta (2004) d=Ardea cinerea (2004)
1/23/2004 16000L issue=The Danube Delta dt=birds of the Danube Delta (2004) d=Anas platyrhynchos (2004 Romania)
1/23/2004 16000L issue=The Danube Delta dt=birds of the Danube Delta (2004) d=Podiceps cristatus (2004)
1/23/2004 16000L issue=The Danube Delta dt=birds of the Danube Delta (2004) d=Pelecanus onocrotalus (2004)
1/31/2004 16000L issue=550 Years since the Birth of Amerigo Vespucci
3/11/2004 16000L dt=modern trains d=AVE
4/24/2004 16000L issue=The 51st General Assembly of the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation d=Rupicapra rupicapra (2004)
4/24/2004 16000L issue=The 51st General Assembly of the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation d=Cervus elaphus (2004) perf=13.4x13.5
4/24/2004 16000L issue=The 51st General Assembly of the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation d=Cervus elaphus (2004)
4/24/2004 16000L issue=The 51st General Assembly of the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation d=Ursus arctos (2004)
4/24/2004 16000L issue=The 51st General Assembly of the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation d=Phasianus colchicus (2004)
4/24/2004 16000L issue=The 51st General Assembly of the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation d=Hunting scene
5/27/2004 16000L dt=anniversaries (2004) d=Gheorghe Anghel
6/7/2004 16000L issue=TAROM - 50 Years of Existence
6/16/2004 16000L issue=Faithful Voivode Stephen the Great and Saint d=Putna Monastery
6/16/2004 16000L issue=Faithful Voivode Stephen the Great and Saint d=Voivode Stephen the Great
6/16/2004 16000L issue=Faithful Voivode Stephen the Great and Saint d=Ruins of Neamt Castle
12/8/2004 16000L issue=World Organizations d=Lions International emblem
2/24/2005 16000L dt=Romanian pottery (2005) d=Corund-Harghita