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8.00m denom (#18416)

  • LS010.02.jpg
  • LS011.02.jpg
  • LS012.02.jpg
  • LS013.02.jpg
  • LS021.02.jpg
  • LS025.02.jpg
  • LS026.02.jpg
  • LS027.02.jpg
  • LS028.02.jpg
Desc: 8.00m

Currency: Lesotho loti (100s=1l=1m)

Numerical sorting value: 48000

Equivalent denoms: 8m (58)

Users of this denom: Lesotho (11 stamps, 1997-2002)

Used by 11 stamps of Lesotho: (See all uses as list)

10/31/1997 8.00m issue=World Cup 1998 in 1997 perf=13.75
10/31/1997 8.00m issue=World Cup 1998 in 1997 perf=13.75
8/13/2002 8.00m issue=Queen Elizabeth II reign 50th
8/13/2002 8.00m issue=Queen Elizabeth II reign 50th
8/13/2002 8.00m issue=Queen Elizabeth II reign 50th
8/13/2002 8.00m issue=Queen Elizabeth II reign 50th
8/13/2002 8.00m issue=25th Anniversary of Rotary d=Horner Wood
8/13/2002 8.00m issue=International Year of Mountains d=Mount Machache perf=14
8/13/2002 8.00m issue=International Year of Mountains d=Mount Thabana Li-Mèle perf=14
8/13/2002 8.00m issue=International Year of Mountains d=Mount Qiloane perf=14
8/13/2002 8.00m issue=International Year of Mountains d=Mount Thaba Bosiu perf=14

All are wmk=basuto hat