Prev: 20s (Bulgarian lev)
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0.20l denom (#17927)

  • Colnect-3383-807-Complex-Maliovitsa-Rila.jpg
  • Colnect-3509-617-Panther-cap-Amanita-pantherina.jpg
  • Colnect-449-583--quot-Good-Day-quot--by-Paul-Gauguin.jpg
  • Colnect-1818-287-Purple-Woodwax-Hygrophorus-Russula.jpg
  • Colnect-5518-692-Buhalov-Fountain-Karlovo.jpg
  • Colnect-1818-290-Globe-Map-of-Bulgaria-with-plotted-Corridor-the-Total-Solar.jpg
  • Colnect-1780-747-Dunnock-Prunella-modularis.jpg
  • Colnect-1818-303-Athletics.jpg
  • Colnect-1818-319-Zachari-Stojanov.jpg
  • Colnect-1347-988-Shooting.jpg
  • Colnect-808-385-Guy-de-Maupassant.jpg
  • Colnect-4556-042-Nobile-N1--quot-Norge-quot--over-Rome-1926.jpg
  • Colnect-1823-790-Letter--quot-e-quot--with-Hands.jpg
  • Colnect-1823-791-Personalized-Letters--quot-e-quot-.jpg
  • Colnect-1832-723-Honey-bee-Apis-mellifera.jpg
  • Colnect-1832-727-Butomus-umbellatus.jpg
  • Colnect-1832-741-Taekwando.jpg
  • Colnect-1832-750-Jubilee-Emblem.jpg
  • Colnect-5148-736-Olympic-Rings-Munich-1972.jpg
  • Colnect-5148-741-Prince-Frujin-Prince-Constantine.jpg
  • Colnect-5988-890-Fomes-fomentarius.jpg
  • Colnect-5148-983--quot-Battleship-Potemkin-quot-.jpg
  • Colnect-5148-991-Mercedes-1935.jpg
  • Colnect-5148-767-Red-eyed-Damselfly-Erythromma-najas.jpg
  • Colnect-5148-771-Wasp-Spider-Argiope-bruennechi.jpg
  • Colnect-5148-774-Costume-1.jpg
  • Colnect-5148-779-Georgi-Rakovsky-Vasil-Levski.jpg
  • BG018.08.jpg
  • BG003.14.jpg
  • BG012.14.jpg
Desc: 0.20l

Currency: Bulgarian lev (100st=100s=100cm=1l)

Numerical sorting value: 1200

Equivalent denoms: 20s (136), 20st (21)

Users of this denom: Bulgaria (31 stamps, 1966-2014)

Used by 31 stamps of Bulgaria: (See all uses as list)

11/29/1966 0.20l issue=Resorts 1966 d=Complex Maliovitsa perf=11x11.5
3/19/1991 0.20l issue=Poisonous Mushrooms dt=mushrooms (1991 Bulgaria) d=Amanita pantherina (1991 Bulgaria) perf=12.5x12.75
4/1/1991 0.20l issue=Art dt=paintings by French impressionists perf=13
7/27/1999 0.20l dt=poisonous mushrooms (1999) d=Hygrophorus russula perf=13.25x13
8/3/1999 0.20l d=Buhalov fountain Karlovo
8/10/1999 0.20l issue=Total Solar Eclipse 1999 d=Globe Map of Bulgaria with plotted Corridor the Total Solar perf=13
10/6/1999 0.20l dt=Songbirds (1999 Bulgaria) d=Prunella modularis (1999) perf=13
10/10/1999 0.20l issue=Olympic Medals perf=13
3/30/2000 0.20l dt=anniversaries (2000) d=Zachari Stojanov perf=13.25x13
4/28/2000 0.20l issue=Olympics 2000 d=shooting (2000) perf=13.25x13
6/20/2000 0.20l dt=anniversaries (2000) d=Guy de Maupassant perf=13
7/3/2000 0.20l dt=airships (2000 Bulgaria) d=Nobile N1 Norge over Rome 1926 perf=13
7/19/2000 0.20l issue=25th Anniversary of the European Security and Cooperation Conference d=Personalized Letters e perf=13
7/19/2000 0.20l issue=25th Anniversary of the European Security and Cooperation Conference d=Letter e with Hands perf=13
5/10/2002 0.20l dt=chickens (2002) perf=13x13.25
6/17/2003 0.20l dt=bees (2003) d=Apis mellifera (2003) perf=13.25x13
7/25/2003 0.20l dt=Wetland Plants d=Butomus Umbellatus perf=13.25x13
10/27/2003 0.20l issue=80th Anniversary of the National Olympic Committee perf=13
12/12/2003 0.20l issue=100th Anniversary of FIFA perf=13.25
8/5/2004 0.20l issue=Olympics 2004 perf=13x13.25
11/15/2004 0.20l dt=Founders of the Bulgarian State perf=13.25
11/17/2004 0.20l dt=mushrooms (2004 Bulgaria) d=Fomes fomentarius perf=13
2/25/2005 0.20l issue=History of Motion Pictures perf=13
4/20/2005 0.20l dt=fire engines (2005) perf=13
6/29/2005 0.20l dt=dragonflies (2005) d=Erythromma najas perf=13
7/29/2005 0.20l dt=spiders (2005) d=Argiope bruennichi (2005) perf=13
10/5/2005 0.20l dt=folk costumes (2005)
12/20/2005 0.20l dt=Founders of the Bulgarian State
5/14/2008 0.20l issue=Sofia Zoo 120th d=Hippopotamus amphibius (2008)
2/10/2014 0.20l dt=mushrooms (2014 Bulgaria) d=Coprinus picaceus perf=13
4/3/2014 0.20l issue=135th Anniversary of Bulgarian Parliamentarism perf=13