Prev: 600k (Zambian kwacha)
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700k denom (#17671)

  • Colnect-1910-194-Emblem---Rainbow.jpg
  • Colnect-2038-399-Moth-Imbrasia-dione.jpg
  • Colnect-861-814-Western-Barn-Owl-Tyto-alba.jpg
  • Colnect-5176-163-The-Princess-of-Wales-Diana.jpg
  • Colnect-5176-164-The-Princess-of-Wales-Diana.jpg
  • Colnect-5176-165-The-Princess-of-Wales-Diana.jpg
  • Colnect-5176-166-The-Princess-of-Wales-Diana.jpg
  • Colnect-5176-167-The-Princess-of-Wales-Diana.jpg
  • Colnect-5176-168-The-Princess-of-Wales-Diana.jpg
  • Colnect-1840-046-Meghamallar-school-of-Mewar-16th-cent.jpg
  • Colnect-1840-045-Hamza-Nama-Mogul-school-16th-cent.jpg
  • Colnect-1840-043-Ragamala-shool-of-Mewar-17th-cent.jpg
  • Colnect-1840-044-Babur-Nama-Mogul-shool-16th-cent.jpg
  • Colnect-488-971-African-Skimmer-Rynchops-flavirostris.jpg
  • Colnect-3775-588-David-Livingstone-monument.jpg
  • Colnect-3507-653-Red-backed-Shrike--%C2%A0Lanius-collurio.jpg
  • Colnect-3507-691-White-fronted-Bee-eater-Merops-bullockoides.jpg
Desc: 700k

Currency: Zambian kwacha (100n=1k=1zmk=1zk)

Numerical sorting value: 4200000

Users of this denom: Zambia (63 stamps, 1995-2002)

Used by 63 stamps of Zambia: (See all uses as list)

12/30/1995 700k issue=50th Anniversary of the United Nations
8/8/1997 700k issue=Moths and Butterflies of Zambia d=Emperor Moth Imbrasia dione
12/18/1997 700k issue=Owls of Zambia dt=owls (1997 Zambia) d=Tyto alba (1997 Zambia)
1/12/1998 700k issue=Princess Diana memorial
1/12/1998 700k issue=Princess Diana memorial
1/12/1998 700k issue=Princess Diana memorial
1/12/1998 700k issue=Princess Diana memorial
1/12/1998 700k issue=Princess Diana memorial
1/12/1998 700k issue=Princess Diana memorial
3/30/1998 700k issue=Art of India and Architecture d=Meghamallar school of Mewar 16th cent
3/30/1998 700k issue=Art of India and Architecture d=Hamza Nama Mogul school 16th cent
3/30/1998 700k issue=Art of India and Architecture d=Babur Nama Mogul shool 16th cent
3/30/1998 700k issue=Art of India and Architecture d=Ragamala shool of Mewar 17th cent
3/30/1998 700k issue=Year of the Tiger 1998
3/30/1998 700k issue=Year of the Tiger 1998
3/30/1998 700k issue=Year of the Tiger 1998
3/30/1998 700k issue=Year of the Tiger 1998
1/4/1999 700k issue=Year of the Rabbit 1999
1/4/1999 700k issue=Year of the Rabbit 1999
1/4/1999 700k issue=Year of the Rabbit 1999
1/4/1999 700k issue=Year of the Rabbit 1999
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Tursiops truncatus (1999 Zambia)
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Delphinus delphis (1999 Zambia)
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Sterna fuscata (1999)
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Pelecanus occidentalis (1999)
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Rynchops niger (1999 Zambia)
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Larus atricilla (1999 Zambia)
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Tamias striatus
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Acanthurus coeruleus (1999 Zambia)
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Dasyatis americana (1999)
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Sphyrna zygaena (1999 Zambia)
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Isurus oxyrinchus (1999)
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Helicona sp.
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Eulampis jugularis (1999)
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Amazona guildingii (1999 Zambia)
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Phaeton lepturus (1999)
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Malaclemys terrapin
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Salmo gairdneri (1999)
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Lepomis macrochirus
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Bufo woodhousii fowleri
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Nelumbo lutea
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Lutra canadensis
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Anas platyrhynchos (1999 Zambia)
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Ardea cinerea (1999)
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Danaus plexippus (1999 Zambia)
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=blue jay Cyanocitta cristata
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Coereba flaveola (1999 Zambia)
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Icterus galbula (1999)
10/27/1999 700k issue=Flora and Fauna 1999 d=Prepona meander (1999 Zambia)
(plus 13 more) (See all uses as list)