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250k denom (#17667)

  • Colnect-1910-170-Chipoma-Falls.jpg
  • Colnect-1502-675-Anchieta-s-Sunbird-Anthreptes-anchietae.jpg
  • Colnect-4468-831-Tricholomopsis-rutilans.jpg
  • Colnect-4468-832-Chlorophyllum-molybdites.jpg
  • Colnect-488-964-Purple-Heron%C2%A0Ardea-purpurea.jpg
  • ZM026.02.jpg
Desc: 250k

Currency: Zambian kwacha (100n=1k=1zmk=1zk)

Numerical sorting value: 1500000

Users of this denom: Zambia (8 stamps, 1993-2002)

Used by 8 stamps of Zambia: (See all uses as list)

9/30/1993 250k dt=waterfalls (1993) d=Chipoma waterfall
5/30/1994 250k issue=1994 dt=sunbirds (1994) d=Anthreptes anchietae (1994)
1/28/1997 250k issue=New Year 1997 dt=Disney characters (1997)
1/30/1998 250k issue=50th Anniversary of the Death of Mahatma Gandhi
7/1/1998 250k issue=Mushrooms of the World d=Tricholomopsis rutilans
7/1/1998 250k issue=Mushrooms of the World d=Chlorophyllum molybdites (1998)
12/20/1999 250k issue=Birds 1999 dt=birds (1999 Zambia) d=Ardea purpurea (1999 Zambia)
7/1/2002 250k issue=2002 provisional d=Snakes of Zambia overprint