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0,40+0,15fr denom (#17373)

  • Colnect-144-734-Fresco-Chapel-Dissay-Vienne---Lords.jpg
  • Colnect-144-735-Fresco-Chapel-Dissay-Vienne--The-Angel-with-a-whisk.jpg
Desc: 0,40+0,15fr

Currency: French franc (100c=1fr)

Numerical sorting value: 2400
Second numerical value: 900

Users of this denom: France (2 stamps, 1970)

Used by 2 stamps of France: (See all uses as list)

12/14/1970 0,40+0,15fr grn&red d=Fresco Chapel Dissay Vienne - Lords
12/14/1970 0,40+0,15fr redbrn&red d=Fresco Chapel Dissay Vienne- The Angel with a whisk

All are semipostal issue=Red Cross 1970 perf=13