Desc: 88
Currency: Pound sterling (100p=1lb)
Numerical sorting value: 5280
Equivalent denoms: 88p (26)
Users of this denom: Great Britain (16 stamps, 2010-2014), Northern Ireland (1 stamp, 2013), Scotland (1 stamp, 2013), Wales (1 stamp, 2013), Jersey (9 stamps, 2013)
Used by 28 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Great Britain 5/13/2010 88 issue=Britain Alone d=Dunkirk perf=14.5
Great Britain 6/15/2010 88 issue=The House of Stuart d=Anne perf=14
Great Britain 6/15/2010 88 issue=The House of Stuart d=The Age of the Stuarts - John Milton 1667 Paradise Lost perf=14
Great Britain 9/16/2010 88 issue=Medical Breakthroughs d=Malaria parasite transmitted by mosquitoes proved by Sir Ronald Ross 1897 perf=14.5x14
Great Britain 10/12/2010 88 issue=The Real Winnie the Pooh and Friends d=Winnie-the-Pooh and Friends perf=14.5
Great Britain 10/12/2010 88 issue=The Real Winnie the Pooh and Friends d=umbrella perf=14.5
Great Britain 1/11/2011 88 issue=genius of Gerry Anderson d=Thunderbirds 2 perf=14.5
Great Britain 3/22/2011 88 issue=WWF - Amazon Alive perf=14.5x14
Jersey 1/5/2013 88 issue=frosts and nature d=hawthorn perf=13x12
Jersey 2/5/2013 88 issue=The Royal Legacy of Queen Victoria - King Edward VIIĀ d=King Edward VII- London perf=13
Jersey 3/8/2013 88 issue=The Kennel Club of Jersey dt=dogs (2013 Jersey) d=Afghan Hound (2013)
Great Britain 3/27/2013 88 issue=2013 perf=14
Northern Ireland 3/27/2013 88 d=Northern Ireland - Linen Pattern perf=14
Scotland 3/27/2013 88 d=Scotland - Thistle perf=14
Wales 3/27/2013 88 d=Wales - Daffodil perf=14
Great Britain 3/27/2013 88 issue=2013 regional d=England - oak tree perf=14
Jersey 4/2/2013 88 issue=Buses III - The J.M.T. d=Leyland Triton c1963 perf=14.5
Jersey 5/8/2013 88 issue=International Red Cross & Red Crescent Movement d=Red Cross & Red Crescent perf=14.5
Great Britain 5/30/2013 88 issue=Six Decades of Royal Portraits d=Queen Elizabeth II - 1955 perf=14
Jersey 6/7/2013 88 issue=Jersey Man of Steel perf=13
Great Britain 6/25/2013 88 issue=Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland d=Peckett No.2 perf=14.5x14
Jersey 7/4/2013 88 issue=Dragonflies & Damselflies dt=Dragonflies & Damselflies d=Scarlet Darter perf=13
Jersey 9/20/2013 88 issue=Jersey Cows 250 Years Of The Pure Jersey Breed dt=Jersey Cows perf=14
Great Britain 11/5/2013 88 issue=Christmas 2013
Jersey 11/27/2013 88 issue=Christmas 2013 dt=Christmas Fayre perf=14x13.25
Great Britain 2/4/2014 88 issue=Working Horses d=Dray Horses
Great Britain 2/4/2014 88 issue=Working Horses d=Royal Mews Carriage Horses
Great Britain 2/20/2014 88 issue=Classic Locomotives of Wales d=W&LLR No. 822 The Earl