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135fr denom (#16977)

  • Colnect-2803-583-Ski-Jumping.jpg
  • Colnect-2803-932-Harvester.jpg
  • Colnect-2318-661-Astronaut-Satellite.jpg
Desc: 135fr

Currency: Djiboutian franc (100c=1fr=1fdj)

Numerical sorting value: 810000

Users of this denom: Djibouti (9 stamps, 1987-2000)

Used by 9 stamps of Djibouti: (See all uses as list)

7/16/1987 135fr issue=Olympics 1988 pre
11/14/1988 135fr issue=Agricultural Development Fund 10th d=modern harvester & outline of farmer with camel
9/28/1992 135fr issue=International Space Year
6/26/2000 135fr issue=Ships from around the World dt=ships from around the World
6/26/2000 135fr issue=Ships from around the World dt=ships from around the World
6/26/2000 135fr issue=Ships from around the World dt=ships from around the World
6/26/2000 135fr issue=Ships from around the World dt=ships from around the World
6/26/2000 135fr issue=Ships from around the World dt=ships from around the World
6/26/2000 135fr issue=Ships from around the World dt=ships from around the World