Desc: 85c
Currency: Swazi lilangeni (100c=1e)
Numerical sorting value: 5100
Users of this denom: Swaziland (8 stamps, 2003-2007)
Used by 8 stamps of Swaziland: (See all uses as list)
3/9/2003 85c issue=AIDS prevention
6/14/2004 85c issue=Smart Partnership d=Host Patron and Advisor
10/11/2004 85c issue=SAPOA d=Purple-crested Lourie (National bird of Swaziland)
1/25/2005 85c issue=Road Safety d=Stop killing them in traffic
4/5/2005 85c dt=snakes of Swaziland d=black mamba (2005 Swaziland)
8/18/2005 85c dt=locusts & grasshoppers d=Schistocerca solitaria
1/10/2006 85c dt=Queen Mothers of Swaziland d=Ntombi Tfwala
1/23/2007 85c dt=trees of Swaziland d=Broom Cluster Fig (Ficus sur)