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2.80e denom (#16585)

  • SZ004.02.jpg
  • SZ008.02.jpg
  • SZ013.02.jpg
  • SZ004.03.jpg
Desc: 2.80e

Currency: Swazi lilangeni (100c=1e)

Numerical sorting value: 16800

Users of this denom: Swaziland (5 stamps, 2001-2003)

Used by 5 stamps of Swaziland: (See all uses as list)

7/30/2001 2.80e issue=Environmental Protection 2001 perf=14.25
2/6/2002 2.80e issue=Queen Elizabeth II reign 50th wmk=crown & CA spiral
2/6/2002 2.80e issue=Queen Elizabeth II reign 50th
12/23/2002 2.80e dt=tourism (2002 Swaziland) d=ostriches
8/12/2003 2.80e dt=musical instruments (2003)