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7g denom (#15981)

  • Colnect-2212-065-Queen-Beatrix-1938-.jpg
  • Colnect-2212-040-Queen-Beatrix-1938-.jpg
  • Colnect-848-892-Symbolic-Representation.jpg
Desc: 7g

Currency: Dutch guilder (100c=1gld=1g)

Numerical sorting value: 42000

Users of this denom: Netherlands (5 stamps, 1981-1989)

Used by 5 stamps of Netherlands: (See all uses as list)

12/15/1981 7g issue=1981 d=Queen Beatrix (1981)
1982 7g issue=1982 coils d=Queen Beatrix (1981)
1986 7g bl&gray issue=1986 d=Queen Beatrix (1981) perf=13.5x12.75
1986 7g bl&gray issue=1986 d=Queen Beatrix (1981) perf=13.5
official 10/24/1989 7g issue=Cour international de Justice d=Symbolic Representation perf=12.75x14