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25k denom (#15679)

  • Colnect-5170-425-Meeting-of-Presidents-Bush-and-Putin-in-Bratislava.jpg
  • Colnect-5170-428-Solidarity-with-the-Asian-Victims-of-Tsunami.jpg
Desc: 25k

Currency: Slovak koruna (100h=1kc=1k=1sk)

Numerical sorting value: 150000

Equivalent denoms: 25.00sk (1), 25sk (5)

Users of this denom: Slovakia (2 stamps, 2005)

Used by 2 stamps of Slovakia: (See all uses as list)

2/24/2005 25k issue=Bush-Putin summit d=flag of US, flag of Slovakia, flag of Russia
3/30/2005 25k blk&grn d=Poor Mother, by Studeny