Desc: 44t
Currency: Slovenian tolar (100s=1t=1sit)
Numerical sorting value: 264000
Users of this denom: Slovenia (11 stamps, 1993-1997)
Used by 11 stamps of Slovenia: (See all uses as list)
1/22/1993 44t issue=50th Deathday of Rihard Jakopic perf=14
2/18/1993 44t issue=1993 d=Residential building in the karst perf=14
2/27/1993 44t issue=100th Birthday of Joza Cop d=Triglav showing Cop route perf=14
4/9/1993 44t issue=500 years of Novo Mesto Kollegiatskapitel d=Arms of the Kollegiatskapitels perf=14
4/29/1993 44t issue=Europa 1993 d=The table at Pompeii paintings of Mari Pregelj perf=14
5/7/1993 44t d=Schwagerina carniolica
5/20/1994 44t dt=flora (1994) d=Hladnikia pastinacifolia perf=14
6/10/1994 44t issue=World Cup 1994 perf=14
6/8/1995 44t issue=500 years Radovljica d=Radovljica perf=14
6/20/1997 44t bl dt=Idrijan lace (1996) perf=13.75
6/20/1997 44t bl dt=Idrijan lace (1996) perf=13.75