Desc: 1sh50c
Currency: East African shilling (2000c=20sh=20s=1lb)
Numerical sorting value: 9000
Equivalent denoms: 1.50sh (17)
Unused: 1sh50
Users of this denom: Kathiri State of Seiyun (1 stamp, 1964), Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania (7 stamps, 1970-1972)
Used by 8 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Kathiri State of Seiyun 7/1/1964 1sh50c vio issue=1964 d=Gheil Omer wmk=St Edwards crown & CA perf=13x12
Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania 7/13/1970 1sh50c issue=9th Commonwealth Games d=Long-distance runner
Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania 10/19/1970 1sh50c issue=UN 25th d=UN emblem & people
Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania 4/5/1971 1sh50c issue=East African Railways dt=railway d=59 Class Railway
Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania 7/5/1971 1sh50c issue=OAU rinderpest
Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania 12/9/1971 1sh50c issue=Tanzanian independence 10th
Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania 2/23/1972 1sh50c issue=1st All Africa Trade Fair d=Fair Emblem & flags of african countries
Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania 4/24/1972 1sh50c issue=UNICEF 25th