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2.10m denom (#15205)

  • Colnect-1725-622-African-Goshawk%C2%A0Accipiter-tachiro.jpg
  • Colnect-1725-609-Grey-Crowned-Crane-Balearica-regulorum.jpg
  • Colnect-2245-912-Wolkberg-Zulu-Alaena-margaritacea.jpg
  • LS004.05.jpg
  • LS043.05.jpg
  • LS004.06.jpg
  • LS009.06.jpg
  • LS014.06.jpg
  • LS003.07.jpg
  • LS013.07.jpg
  • LS023.07.jpg
  • LS032.07.jpg
Desc: 2.10m

Currency: Lesotho loti (100s=1l=1m)

Numerical sorting value: 12600

Users of this denom: Lesotho (17 stamps, 2001-2007)

Used by 17 stamps of Lesotho: (See all uses as list)

1/22/2001 2.10m issue=Dealing with AIDS wmk=basuto hat perf=14.25
8/20/2001 2.10m issue=50th Anniversary of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees wmk=basuto hat perf=14.25
10/1/2001 2.10m issue=Birds of Prey 2001 dt=Birds of Prey (2001) d=Accipiter tachiro wmk=basuto hat perf=14.25
10/15/2001 2.10m issue=Fauna of South Africa 2001 d=Oreotragus oreotragus (2001 Lesotho) wmk=basuto hat perf=14.25
5/17/2004 2.10m issue=Butterflies 2004 dt=butterflies (2004 Lesotho) d=Alaena margaritacea (2004) wmk=basuto hat perf=14.25
5/17/2004 2.10m issue=Birds of Africa dt=birds (2004 Lesotho) d=Balearica regulorum (2004 Lesotho) wmk=basuto hat perf=14.25
5/17/2004 2.10m issue=African Flowers 2004 dt=flowers (2004 Lesotho) d=Agapanthus africanus (2004) wmk=basuto hat perf=14.25
5/17/2004 2.10m issue=Mammals 2004 dt=mammals (2004) d=Pedetes capensis (2004) wmk=basuto hat perf=14.25
2/21/2005 2.10m dt=houses (2005 Lesotho) d=Mohlongoa - Fat'se house
5/20/2005 2.10m issue=Girl Guides
3/13/2006 2.10m dt=Lesotho herdboys
6/19/2006 2.10m dt=Head Carrying by a Mosotho Woman d=woman with basket on head
10/9/2006 2.10m dt=handicrafts (2006)
8/20/2007 2.10m dt=fauna & flora (2007 Lesotho) d=Triphora craigheadii
8/20/2007 2.10m dt=fauna & flora (2007 Lesotho) d=tawny-shouldered blackbird Agelaius humeralis
8/20/2007 2.10m dt=fauna & flora (2007 Lesotho) d=Amanita rubescens (2007)
8/20/2007 2.10m dt=fauna & flora (2007 Lesotho) d=Acraea terpsicore