Desc: 2p
Currency: Afghan afghani (100p=1af=1a)
Numerical sorting value: 120
Users of this denom: Afghanistan (46 stamps, 1928-1964)
Used by 46 stamps of Afghanistan: (See all uses as list)
1928 2p rose issue=1927b dt=seal
1928 2p bl issue=1927b dt=seal
1931 2p blk issue=1931 2p d=intertwined perf=12
1931 2p blk issue=1931 2p d=intertwined imperf
1931 2p dkredvio issue=1931 2p
1934 2p graygrn issue=1931 2p
1936 2p blk issue=1931 2p
1938 2p dkgrn issue=1931 2p
1938 2p red issue=1931 2p
1938 2p car issue=1931 2p
10/1939 2p blkgrn issue=1939 d=arms of Afghanistan (1939) perf=12
10/1939 2p blk issue=1939 d=arms of Afghanistan (1939) perf=12
1961 2p pink issue=1939 perf=12
3/21/1961 2p issue=Agriculture Day perf=12
3/21/1961 2p issue=Agriculture Day perf=12
6/1961 2p issue=Children's Day 1961 dt=sports (1961 Afghanistan) perf=12
6/1961 2p issue=Children's Day 1961 dt=sports (1961 Afghanistan) perf=12
10/16/1961 2p blk&multi issue=Afghan Red Crescent Society 1961 a dt=fruits (1961 Afghanistan) d=Pomegranates perf=12
10/16/1961 2p grn&multi issue=Afghan Red Crescent Society 1961 a dt=fruits (1961 Afghanistan) d=grapes (1961) perf=12
10/24/1961 2p slgrn&multi d=UN Headquarters perf=12
10/26/1961 2p issue=Teacher's Day 1961 perf=12
10/26/1961 2p issue=Teacher's Day 1961 perf=12
2/19/1962 2p vio&brn issue=15th Anniversary of UNESCO
2/19/1962 2p ol&brn issue=15th Anniversary of UNESCO
2/19/1962 2p issue=15th Anniversary of UNESCO d=3 People carrying the UNESCO symbol
4/21/1962 2p issue=Agriculture Day 1962 d=Afghan Hound (1962)
4/21/1962 2p blgrn&orgbrn issue=Agriculture Day 1962 d=Afghan Hound (1962)
9/5/1962 2p dkgrn issue=WHO drive to eradicate malaria d=Malaria Eradication Emblem & Swamp
9/5/1962 2p dkgrn&orgred issue=WHO drive to eradicate malaria d=Malaria Eradication Emblem & Swamp
9/25/1962 2p issue=4th Asian Games x d=horse racing
10/2/1962 2p bl&brn issue=Children's day 1962 d=diver
10/16/1962 2p issue=Afghan Red Crescent Society 1962 d=Vitis vinifera (1962)
10/24/1962 2p issue=United Nations Day 1962 d=UN Headquarters NY & Flags of UN & Afghanistan
10/25/1962 2p issue=Boy Scouts d=Boy Scout
10/25/1962 2p issue=Teacher's Day 1962 d=pole vault (1962 Afghanistan)
3/1/1963 2p blk&grn issue=Agriculture Day 1963 d=Karakul sheeps
3/27/1963 2p issue=Freedom from Hunger d=rice
5/23/1963 2p issue=3rd World Meteorological Day d=Meteorological Measuring Instrument
9/2/1963 2p issue=4th Asian Games d=Mohd Ibrahim
10/9/1963 2p issue=Red Cross Centenary d=emblem
12/31/1963 2p issue=Women’s Day 1963 d=Woman in national costume
1/5/1964 2p issue=Women’s Day 1964 d=Scouts plant trees
1/22/1964 2p issue=Children’s Day 1964 d=Playing ball
3/3/1964 2p issue=Teacher's Day 1964 d=tulips
3/9/1964 2p issue=United Nations Day 1964 d=plowing fields
3/15/1964 2p redbrn&yelgrn issue=Eradication of Malaria d=mosquito (1964)