Desc: 10c
Currency: Chilean escudo (1000m=100c=1e)
Numerical sorting value: 6000
Equivalent denoms: 0.10e (2)
Users of this denom: Chile (17 stamps, 1960-1975)
Used by 17 stamps of Chile: (See all uses as list)
1960 10c dkbrn&redbrn issue=government 150th d=arms of Chile (1960) perf=14.75
1960 10c grn issue=1960 d=Maule Valley
1/18/1960 10c vio issue=housing census
airmail 4/7/1960 10c vio issue=World Refugee Year d=refugee family
airmail 12/1/1960 10c bl issue=Rotary International South American Regional Conference 1960
airmail 1961 10c redpur issue=1960 air b
airmail 1961 10c graygrn issue=1st National Congress 100th
airmail 5/30/1962 10c red issue=World Soccer Championship 1962
airmail 11/29/1965 10c car issue=Andres Bello death 100th
8/2/1966 10c ultra<bl d=William Wheelwright & SS Chile perf=15
8/13/1966 10c brn issue=literacy campaign perf=14
airmail 1967 10c ultra issue=1961 air b
4/13/1967 10c mag&blk issue=8th International Family Planning Congress perf=14
airmail 5/15/1967 10c bl issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Ruben Dario d=Ruben Dario
6/9/1967 10c blgrn issue=National Afforestation Campaign d=Araucaria araucana (1967)
1968 10c issue=1965 d=Easter Island statue
10/27/1975 10c dkolgrn issue=1975 d=Diego Portales (1975)