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4c denom (#14889)

  • Colnect-129-887-Corncrake-or-Landrail-Crex-crex.jpg
  • Colnect-1902-372-Corncrake-or-Landrail-Crex-crex.jpg
  • Colnect-1786-652-Common-Dog-Violet-Viola-riviniana.jpg
Desc: 4c

Currency: euro (100c=1e)

Numerical sorting value: 240

Equivalent denoms: 0,04€ (9), 0.04€ (16), 4(c) (1)

Users of this denom: Ireland (3 stamps, 2002-2004)

Used by 3 stamps of Ireland: (See all uses as list)

1/1/2002 4c issue=2002 dt=birds (1997 Ireland) d=traonach corncrake Crex crex perf=14x15
9/30/2003 4c issue=2002 dt=birds (1997 Ireland) d=traonach corncrake Crex crex perf=15x14
2004 4c issue=Wild Flowers 2004 dt=Wild Flowers (2004) d=Viola riviniana perf=14x15