Desc: 25c
Currency: Tunisian franc (100c=1fr=1f)
Numerical sorting value: 1500
Users of this denom: Tunisia (24 stamps, 1888-1941)
Used by 24 stamps of Tunisia: (See all uses as list)
postage due 1888 25c blk issue=1888 due b perf=14x13.5
postage due 1888 25c blk issue=1888 due perf=14x13.5
7/1/1888 25c blk issue=1888a d=arms of Tunisia (1888 white bg) perf=14x13.5
10/1/1888 25c blk issue=1888b d=arms of Tunisia (1888 lined bg) perf=14x13.5
postage due 1897 25c blk issue=1897 due perf=14x13.5
postage due 1898 25c bl issue=1898 due perf=14x13.5
1901 25c bl issue=1888b d=arms of Tunisia (1888 lined bg) perf=14x13.5
7/1902 25c bl d=arms of Tunisia (1888 lined bg) oc=blk on=1893-15c perf=14x13.5 paper=quadrille
1906 25c dpbl issue=1906 d=plowing (1906)
parcel post 8/1/1906 25c bl&brn issue=1906 parcel perf=13.5x14
1921 25c vio issue=1906 d=plowing (1906)
semipostal 2/26/1923 25c issue=War Wounded Fund d=++on=1fr
semipostal 2/26/1923 25c bl&car issue=War Wounded Fund d=++on=2fr
semipostal 6/7/1925 25c bl&yelgrn issue=Child Welfare 1925 d=++on=1fr perf=13.5x14
semipostal 6/7/1925 25c car&pur issue=Child Welfare 1925 d=++on=2fr perf=13.5x14
semipostal 6/7/1925 25c car&brn issue=Child Welfare 1925 d=++on=5fr perf=13.5x14
parcel post 1926 25c orgbrn&blk issue=1926 Parcel Post d=gathering dates perf=13½ x 14
1926 25c blgrn issue=1926 d=Grand Mosque at Tunis (1926) perf=14x13.5
1928 25c lil d=Arab & ruins oc=blk on=1926-30c-lil
1928 25c redvio issue=1926 d=Grand Mosque at Tunis (1926) perf=14x13.5
1931 25c carred issue=1931 d=Grand Mosque at Tunis (1931) perf=13
semipostal 1938 25c carred issue=Tunisian Postal Service 50th d=++on=25c perf=12.5x13
1940 25c ultra oc=blk on=1938-65c-ultra
1941 25c ultra d=mosque, Tunis (1926) oc=blk on=issue=1926-1938-65c-ultra