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25c denom (#14818)

  • Colnect-1537-535-Thersites-Swallowtail-Papilio-thersites.jpg
  • Colnect-1546-085-Olympic-rings.jpg
  • Colnect-2602-590-Prudential-cup.jpg
  • Colnect-2602-591-Map-by-Visscher-1680.jpg
  • Colnect-1546-075-Jamaican-Checkerspot-Atlantea-pantoni.jpg
  • Colnect-2568-599-Scout-Emblem-Doctor-bird-and-map.jpg
  • Colnect-2602-594-Cellist-and-trumpeter.jpg
  • Colnect-2623-953-Long-tailed-Skipper-Urbanus-proteus.jpg
  • Colnect-2632-163-City-of-Kingston-coat-of-arms.jpg
  • Colnect-1498-139-Army-flag.jpg
  • Colnect-2632-170-Serving-boat.jpg
  • Colnect-2623-950-Sir-Rowland-Hill-1795-1879.jpg
  • Colnect-2632-173--The-Family%E2%80%9D.jpg
  • Colnect-2611-208-Church-of-the-Redeemer.jpg
  • Colnect-2054-967-De-Haviland-DH60G-Gipsy-Moth.jpg
  • Colnect-5274-939-Bicycling.jpg
  • Colnect-1700-671-Jamaican-Boa-Epicrates-subflavus.jpg
  • Colnect-5249-418-Enterprise--1845.jpg
  • Colnect-5274-959-Head-by-Alvin-Marriott.jpg
  • Colnect-2568-608-Holding-photograph-album.jpg
  • Colnect-5274-928-Map-and-Jamboree-emblem.jpg
  • Colnect-1282-368-Baldwin-Locomotive-No-16.jpg
  • Colnect-1506-954-Chestnut-bellied-Cuckoo-Coccyzus-pluvialis.jpg
  • Colnect-2742-277-Photo-of-1962.jpg
  • Colnect-5272-216-Bustamante-Children-s-Hospital.jpg
  • Colnect-998-427-Parrot--s-Beak-Heliconia-psittacorum.jpg
  • Colnect-996-758-Marcus-Mosiah-Garvey-Statue.jpg
  • Colnect-3387-636-Marcus-Mosiah-Garvey-face.jpg
  • Colnect-5272-212-School-for-the-Blind.jpg
  • Colnect-5272-214-Hibiscus-elatus.jpg
  • Colnect-996-732-Gervais--Beaked-Whale-Mesoplodon-europaeus.jpg
  • Colnect-5272-207-Jackie-Hendriks.jpg
  • Colnect-2888-572-Boxing.jpg
  • Colnect-3649-236-Bobsled-team-members.jpg
  • Colnect-3649-235-Two-Man-Bobsled.jpg
  • Colnect-5269-840-Nurses-and-Firemen.jpg
  • Colnect-5271-692-Euphorbia-pulcherima.jpg
  • Colnect-2732-434-Old-York-Castle-School.jpg
  • Colnect-2732-436-Moth-Syntomidopsis-variegata.jpg
  • Colnect-2732-440-Arawak-spear-fisherman.jpg
  • Colnect-2758-623-Moth-Eunomia-rubripunctata.jpg
  • Colnect-2758-362-Moth-Eunomia-rubripunctata.jpg
  • Colnect-2758-614-Children%E2%80%99s-art.jpg
  • Colnect-2758-367-Route-of-1492.jpg
  • Colnect-3649-252-Discovery-of-America-500th-Anniv.jpg
Desc: 25c

Currency: Jamaican dollar (100c=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 1500

Users of this denom: Jamaica (45 stamps, 1975-1990)

Used by 45 stamps of Jamaica: (See all uses as list)

8/25/1975 25c dt=butterflies (1975 Jamaica) d=Papilio thersites wmk=Multiple "J" & Pineapple
6/14/1976 25c issue=Olympics 1976 d=Olympic rings wmk=Multiple "J" & Pineapple
8/9/1976 25c issue=World Cricket Cup West Indies Winners d=Prudential Cup perf=14
2/28/1977 25c dt=maps of Jamaica d=Map of Jamaica by Visscher perf=13
5/9/1977 25c dt=butterflies (1977 Jamaica) d=Atlantea pantoni
8/5/1977 25c issue=6th Caribbean Jamboree
12/19/1977 25c issue=50th Anniversary of Jamaica Military Band d=Cellist & trumpeter perf=14
4/17/1978 25c dt=butterflies (1975 Jamaica) d=Urbanus proteus (1978)
9/25/1978 25c issue=24th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference d=Kingston coat of arms
12/4/1978 25c issue=Christmas 1978 d=Army flag perf=14
4/23/1979 25c dt=Arawak artifacts d=Serving boat perf=14
8/13/1979 25c issue=Rowland Hill death 100th d=Hill Statue perf=14
10/1/1979 25c issue=Christmas 1979 / International Year of the Child d=The Familyā€¯ perf=14
11/24/1980 25c issue=Christmas 1980 d=Church of the Redeemer wmk=Multiple "J" & Pineapple perf=14
6/11/1984 25c dt=seaplanes (1984) d=Gypsy Moth wmk=Multiple "J" & Pineapple perf=14
7/11/1984 25c issue=Olympics 1984 wmk=Multiple "J" & Pineapple perf=14
10/22/1984 25c dt=Jamaican Boas d=Jamaican Boa Epicrates subflavus wmk=Multiple "J" & Pineapple
11/16/1984 25c dt=Early steam locomotives d=Enterprise wmk=Multiple "J" & Pineapple
12/6/1984 25c issue=Christmas 1984 d=Head by Alvin Marriott wmk=Multiple "J" & Pineapple
6/7/1985 25c issue=85th Anniversary of the Birth of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother d=Holding photograph album wmk=Multiple "J" & Pineapple
7/30/1985 25c issue=International Youth Year / 5th Pan-American Scouting Jamboree wmk=Multiple "J" & Pineapple perf=14
9/30/1985 25c dt=locomotives (1985 Jamaica) d=Baldwin wmk=Multiple "J" & Pineapple
2/10/1986 25c dt=birds (1986 Jamaica) d=Chestnut bellied cuckoo wmk=Multiple "J" & Pineapple perf=14
4/21/1986 25c issue=60th Anniversary of the Birth of Queen Elizabeth II d=Photo of 1962 wmk=Multiple "J" & Pineapple
5/19/1986 25c issue=AMERIPEX '86 d=Bustamante Childrens Hospital wmk=Multiple "J" & Pineapple
12/1/1986 25c issue=Christmas 1986 dt=flowers (1986 Jamaica) d=Heliconia psitacorum wmk=Multiple "J" & Pineapple
8/17/1987 25c issue=100th Anniversary of the birth of Marcus Mosiah Garvey d=Marcus Mosiah Garvey Statue wmk=Multiple "J" & Pineapple perf=14
8/17/1987 25c issue=100th Anniversary of the birth of Marcus Mosiah Garvey d=Marcus Mosiah Garvey face wmk=Multiple "J" & Pineapple perf=14
10/8/1987 25c issue=100th Anniversary of Salvation Army in Jamaica d=School for the Blind wmk=Multiple "J" & Pineapple
11/30/1987 25c issue=Christmas 1987 dt=flowers (1986 Jamaica) d=Hibiscus elatus (1987) wmk=Multiple "J" & Pineapple
4/14/1988 25c dt=Marine Mammals (1988) d=Gervais's Whale Mesoplodon europaeus wmk=Multiple "J" & Pineapple perf=14
7/6/1988 25c dt=Cricket Players d=Jackie Hendriks wmk=Multiple "J" & Pineapple perf=14
8/24/1988 25c issue=Olympics 1988 d=boxing (1988) wmk=Multiple "J" & Pineapple perf=14
11/8/1988 25c issue=Jamaican Olympic Bobsled Team d=Bobsled team members wmk=Multiple "J" & Pineapple perf=14
11/8/1988 25c issue=Jamaican Olympic Bobsled Team d=Two Man Bobsled wmk=Multiple "J" & Pineapple perf=14
11/24/1988 25c issue=Year of the Worker d=nurses & Firemen wmk=Multiple "J" & Pineapple
12/15/1988 25c issue=Christmas 1988 dt=flowers (1986 Jamaica) d=Euphorbia pulcherrima (1986 Jamaica) wmk=Multiple "J" & Pineapple
1/19/1989 25c issue=Methodist Church in Jamaica 200th d=Old York Castle School
8/30/1989 25c dt=native moths (1989) d=Syntomidopsis variegata
12/22/1989 25c issue=Discovery of America 500th in 1989 d=Arawak spear fisher
9/12/1990 25c issue=International Garden and Greenery Exposition dt=moths of Jamaica d=Eunomia rubripunctata on=issue=Jamaican Moths 1990-25c
9/12/1990 25c issue=Jamaican Moths 1990 dt=moths of Jamaica d=Eunomia rubripunctata
12/7/1990 25c issue=Christmas 1990 dt=Children's Art (1990)
12/19/1990 25c issue=500th Anniversary of the Discovery of America (in 1992) perf=14
12/19/1990 25c issue=Columbus Quincentenary 1990 b perf=14