Desc: 20c
Currency: Cuban peso (1000m=100c=1p=1$mn=1$)
Numerical sorting value: 12000
Equivalent denoms: 200m (1)
Users of this denom: Cuba (282 stamps, 1866-2020)
Used by 282 stamps of Cuba: (See all uses as list)
1866 20c grn d=Queen Isabella II (1864) imperf
1867 20c grn d=Queen Isabella II (1864) perf=14
1868 20c grn issue=1868a d=Queen Isabella II (1868 Cuba) perf=14
1868 20c grn issue=1868b d=Queen Isabella II (1868 Cuba) ovpt=HABILITADO//POR LA//NACION oc=blk on=issue=1868a-20c-grn perf=14
1869 20c org issue=1869a d=Queen Isabella II (1869) perf=14
1869 20c org issue=1869b d=Queen Isabella II (1869) ovpt=HABILITADO//POR LA//NACION oc=blk on=20c-org perf=14
1870 20c redbrn d=Espana head perf=14
telegraph 1881 20c brn issue=1881 telegraph d=arms of Spain (1881) perf=14
1881 20c dkbrn d=King Alfonso XII (1878) perf=14
1882 20c redbrn d=King Alfonso XII (1878) perf=14
1883 20c redbrn issue=1883a d=King Alfonso XII (1878) ovpt=a oc=blk on=1882-20c-redbrn perf=14
1883 20c redbrn issue=1883a d=King Alfonso XII (1878) ovpt=b oc=blk on=1882-20c-redbrn perf=14
1883 20c redbrn issue=1883a d=King Alfonso XII (1878) ovpt=c oc=blk on=1882-20c-redbrn perf=14
1883 20c redbrn issue=1883a d=King Alfonso XII (1878) ovpt=d oc=blk on=1882-20c-redbrn perf=14
1883 20c redbrn issue=1883a d=King Alfonso XII (1878) ovpt=e oc=blk on=1882-20c-redbrn perf=14
1883 20c issue=1883b d=King Alfonso XII (1878)
1888 20c graybrn d=King Alfonso XII (1878)
1890 20c dkvio issue=1890 d=King Alfonso XIII (1890) perf=14
1891 20c ultra issue=1890 d=King Alfonso XIII (1890) perf=14
1894 20c redbrn issue=1890 d=King Alfonso XIII (1890) perf=14
1896 20c vio issue=1890 d=King Alfonso XIII (1890) perf=14
1898 20c mar issue=1898 d=King Alfonso XIII (1898) perf=14
telegraph 1910 20c red issue=1910 telegraph d=Narciso Lopez (1910) perf=12
telegraph 1910 20c pnk issue=1910 telegraph d=Narciso Lopez (1910) perf=12
telegraph 1916 20c blgrn issue=1916 telegraph d=telegraph allegory perf=12
1917 20c graygrn issue=revolutionary heroes d=Jose Saco perf=12
1925 20c olgrn issue=1925 d=José Antonio Saco 1797-1879 wmk=star (Cuba) perf=12
1/2/1928 20c olgrn issue=6th Pan-American Conference d=Ministry of Finance wmk=star (Cuba) perf=12
5/18/1929 20c vio issue=Capitol opening d=Capitol Havana wmk=star (Cuba) perf=12
3/15/1930 20c vio issue=2nd Central American Games (original) d=hurdler wmk=star (Cuba) perf=12
airmail 1931 20c carrose issue=1931 airmail domestic d=airplane over Cuban interior wmk=star (Cuba) perf=10
airmail 2/26/1931 20c brn issue=1931 airmail foreign d=airplane over Cuban coast wmk=star (Cuba) perf=10
4/23/1933 20c blk issue=35th anniversary of the War of Independence of 1898 d=War Memorial & royal palms wmk=wavy lines (Colombia) perf=12.5
5/5/1936 20c brn issue=Matanzas d=Rio Yumuri wmk=wavy lines (Colombia) perf=12.5
airmail 5/5/1936 20c grn issue=Matanzas wmk=star (Cuba)
airmail 10/13/1937 20c grn issue=1937 airmail wmk=star (Cuba) perf=10
airmail 10/13/1937 20c grn issue=1937 airmail wmk=star (Cuba) perf=10
1941 20c olgrn issue=1930 d=José Antonio Saco wmk=star (Cuba) perf=10
airmail 1946 20c rosepink issue=1931 airmail domestic d=airplane over Cuban interior wmk=star (Cuba)
12/15/1948 20c bl&car issue=Maceo 100th d=Battle of Peraleja wmk=wavy lines (Colombia) perf=12.5
5/27/1952 20c issue=republic 50th d=Highway plan perf=12.5
10/7/1952 20c brn issue=Pension Fund 1952 d=Sandrino perf=10
airmail 10/7/1952 20c blgrn issue=Pension Fund 1952 d=Sandrino perf=10
11/27/1952 20c olgrn issue=student execution 81st d=Carlos Verdugo wmk=star (Cuba) perf=10
1954 20c ol issue=1954b d=José Antonio Saco wmk=star (Cuba) perf=10
airmail 4/27/1954 20c ltbl issue=Sugar Industry 1954 perf=10
special delivery 1/17/1958 20c grn issue=express 1958 d=Courier on Motorcycle perf=12.5
special delivery 9/26/1958 20c issue=Felipe Poey d=Gambusia punctata wmk=star (Cuba) perf=12.5
11/15/1965 20c dt=tropical fruits (1965) d=Guavas perf=12.5
12/30/1965 20c dt=transportation (1965) d=Ilyushin Il-18 (1965) perf=12.5
(plus 232 more) (See all uses as list)