Desc: 2.40k
Currency: Czechoslovak koruna (100h=1kc=1kr=1k)
Numerical sorting value: 14400
Equivalent denoms: 2.40kc (12)
Users of this denom: Czechoslovakia (17 stamps, 1945-1971)
Used by 17 stamps of Czechoslovakia: (See all uses as list)
4/30/1945 2.40k copbrn d=arms 1945 (1945) imperf
11/28/1945 2.40k rosered issue=Jan Kozina execution 250th d=Jan Sladky Kozina monument perf=12.5
8/3/1946 2.40k car d=Brno Town Hall perf=12.5
1/1/1947 2.40k red d=reconstruction perf=12.5
4/23/1947 2.40k red issue=St Adalbert death 950th d=Adalbert of Prague perf=12.5
6/10/1947 2.40k redvio issue=Lidice destruction 5th d=Klečící žena perf=12.5
10/26/1947 2.40k red issue=Russian revolution 30th perf=14
2/18/1954 2.40k issue=5th congress 25th d=Worker with Flag
5/1954 2.40k viobl issue=1954 d=Engine driver
4/24/1969 2.40k dt=engravings of horses d=Painting by J. E. Ridinger
7/14/1969 2.40k dt=Alfons Mucha paintings d=Ruby and Amethyst perf=11.75
4/21/1970 2.40k dt=Lada paintings d=Children in Winter, 1943 perf=11.25x11.5
8/31/1970 2.40k dt=historical artillery d=Mountain-gun and Good Soldier Schweik perf=11.25x11.5
11/27/1970 2.40k dt=paintings (1970 Czechoslovakia) d=Adoration of the Kings - By Vysehrad Cod… perf=11.75
2/25/1971 2.40k issue=1971 dt=buildings (1971 Czechoslovakia) d=Čechy - Jičínsko perf=11.5x11.25
9/20/1971 2.40k issue=International Pharmaceutical Congress d=Hyoscyamus niger (1971)
11/27/1971 2.40k dt=paintings (1967 Czechoslovakia) d=Festival of the Rosary (Durer) perf=11.75