Desc: 50c
Currency: euro (100c=1e)
Numerical sorting value: 3000
Equivalent denoms: 0,50(€) (4), 0,50€ (86), 0,50e (1), 0.50€ (739), 0.50e (9), 50(c) (5)
Users of this denom: Ireland (17 stamps, 2002-2018)
Used by 17 stamps of Ireland: (See all uses as list)
1/1/2002 50c issue=2002 dt=birds (1997 Ireland) d=Ardea cinerea (2002) perf=15x14
4/23/2002 50c dt=mammals (2002) d=Lutra lutra (2002)
1/6/2003 50c issue=2002 dt=birds (1997 Ireland) d=Fratercula arctica (1997 Ireland)
1/28/2003 50c issue=Year of the Goat 2003 d=Greetings - Kids
1/28/2003 50c issue=Year of the Goat 2003 d=Greetings - Chicks
1/28/2003 50c issue=Year of the Goat 2003 d=Greetings - Kittens
2/28/2003 50c issue=St. Patrick's Day 2003 d=Parade in Dublin
2/28/2003 50c issue=St. Patrick's Day 2003 b d=Parade in Dublin perf=Die Cut 11
4/1/2003 50c dt=beetles (2003 Ireland) d=Great Diving Beetle Dytiscus marginalis
5/20/2003 50c issue=Special Olympics 2003
7/29/2003 50c issue=100th Anniversary of the First Flight of Wright Brothers d=Alcock Brown - First non stop Atlantic flight 1919
7/29/2003 50c issue=200th Anniversary of the 1803 Irish Uprising d=The Rebellion of 1803 Thomas Russell
9/16/2003 50c issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Frank O'Connor d=Frank O'Connor
10/16/2003 50c issue=Pontificate of Pope John Paul II
11/10/2003 50c issue=Christmas 2003 perf=15x14
3/3/2008 50c issue=2008 d=Sedum acre
11/1/2018 50c issue=Christmas 2018 b d=Star of Bethlehem (2018)