Desc: 5c
Currency: Moroccan franc (100c=1fr)
Numerical sorting value: 300
Users of this denom: French Morocco (9 stamps, 1917-1939)
Used by 9 stamps of French Morocco: (See all uses as list)
postage due 1917 5c bl issue=1917 postage due
9/1/1917 5c grn issue=1917 d=Mosque of the Andalusians, Fez
postage due 1918 5c bl issue=1918 postage due a d=scroll (1882) ovpt=TANGER oc=blk on=issuer=France-5c-bl perf=13
4/1918 5c grn issue=Tangier ovpt=TANGER oc=blk on=5c-grn-unissued
airmail 1922 5c dporg issue=1922 air
1923 5c org issue=Tangier ovpt=TANGER oc=blk on=5c-org-unissued
8/1923 5c org issue=1923 d=Mosque of the Andalusians
1933 5c brnred issue=1933 d=roadstead,Agadir
7/17/1939 5c graygrn issue=1939 d=Sale Mosque