Desc: 5c
Currency: Ethiopian franc (100c=1fr)
Numerical sorting value: 300
Users of this denom: Ethiopia (11 stamps, 1905-1906)
Used by 11 stamps of Ethiopia: (See all uses as list)
1905 5c ver issue=1905c d=Menelik II ovpt=5c/m oc=blk on=1894-1/2g
1905 5c grn issue=1905c d=Menelik II ovpt=5c/m oc=blk on=1902-1/4g
1905 5c blk issue=1905c d=lion of Judah ovpt=5//centimes. oc=blk on=1902-16g
1905 5c blk issue=1905c d=lion of Judah ovpt=5//centimes. oc=blk on=1902-16g
1/1/1905 5c grn issue=1905a d=Menelik II oc=blk on=1894-1/4g
1/1/1905 5c grn issue=1905b d=Menelik II oc=blk on=1/4g-ovpt=Ethiopie
1/1/1905 5c grn issue=1905b d=Menelik II oc=blk on=1/4g-ovpt=Ethiopie
1/1/1905 5c grn issue=1905b d=Menelik II oc=blk on=1/4g-ovpt=Ethiopie
1/1/1905 5c grn issue=1905b d=Menelik II oc=blk on=1/4g-ovpt=Ethiopie
1/1/1906 5c grn issue=1906a d=Menelik II ovpt=value&amharic oc=blk on=1894-1/4g-grn
7/1/1906 5c grn issue=1906b d=Menelik II ovpt=Menelik oc=blk on=1894-1/4g-grn
All are perf=14x13.25