Desc: 2c
Currency: Mexican peso (100c=8r=1p=1np=1n$=1$)
Numerical sorting value: 120
Users of this denom: Mexico (97 stamps, 1879-1947)
Used by 97 stamps of Mexico: (See all uses as list)
1879 2c dkvio d=Juarez perf=pin,serrate paper=thick wove
1882 2c dkvio d=Juarez perf=pin,serrate paper=thin wove
1882 2c grn issue=1882 d=numeral (1882 Mexico) perf=pin,serrate paper=thin wove
1884 2c grn d=Hidalgo (1884) perf=pin,serrate paper=thin wove
1885 2c car d=Hidalgo (1884) perf=pin,serrate paper=thin wove
1886 2c car d=numeral (1886) perf=12 paper=thin wove
1887 2c issue=1887b d=numeral (1886) perf=6 paper=thin wove
1887 2c issue=1887c d=numeral (1886) perf=6x12 paper=thin wove
1887 2c red issue=1887d d=numeral (1886) perf=12 paper=blue lines
1887 2c issue=1887e d=numeral (1886) perf=6 paper=blue lines
1887 2c issue=1887f d=numeral (1886) perf=6x12 paper=blue lines
1890 2c red d=numeral (1886) wmk=CORREOS E U M paper=blue lines
1894 2c brncar issue=1894b d=numeral (1886) wmk=CORREOS E U M perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
1895 2c car issue=1895 d=letter carrier (1895) wmk=CORREOS E U M perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
official 1895 2c car issue=1895 official wmk=CORREOS E U M perf=12
1896 2c car issue=1896 d=letter carrier (1895) wmk=RM interlaced perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
official 1896 2c car issue=1896 official wmk=RM interlaced perf=12
1897 2c issue=1897 d=letter carrier (1895) wmk=eagle & RM perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
official 1897 2c car issue=1897 official wmk=eagle & RM perf=12
1898 2c ver issue=1898 d=letter carrier (1895) perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
official 1898 2c car issue=1898 official perf=12
1899 2c ver issue=1899 d=arms 1899 2c wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
official 1900 2c red issue=1900 official wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=14, 15
1903 2c grn issue=1903 d=arms 1899 2c wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
official 1903 2c ltgrn issue=1903 official wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=14.5
postage due 1908 2c bl d=numeral (1908 Mexico) wmk=MEX & eagle perf=14
1910 2c grn issue=independence 100th d=Leona Vicario (1910) wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
official 1910 2c ltgrn issue=1910 official wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=14
official 1911 2c grn issue=1911 official wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=14.5
1913 2c issue=1913a wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
1913 2c issue=1913a wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
7/29/1913 2c issue=1913 army wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
1914 2c grn&org issue=1914a coach seal d=Sonora wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
1914 2c gray&olgrn issue=1914b coach seal d=Baja wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
1914 2c grn&org issue=1914c anvil seal d=Sonora wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
1/1914 2c yelgrn issue=transitorio wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=roul 9.5x15 paper=blue lines
4/3/1914 2c yelgrn issue=Torreon victory ovpt=Victoria de//TORREON//ABRIL 2 1914 oc=blk on=issue=transitorio-2c-yelgrn wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=roul 9.5x15 paper=blue lines
8/1914 2c bl issue=dollar overprint c d=numeral (1908 Mexico) ovpt=GOBIERNO//$//CONSTITUCIONALISTA sideways oc=blk on=type=postage due-2c-bl wmk=MEX & eagle perf=14
8/1914 2c grn issue=dollar overprint b d=Leona Vicario (1910) ovpt=GOBIERNO//$//CONSTITUCIONALISTA sideways oc=blk on=1910-2c-grn wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
8/1914 2c ltgrn issue=Denver d=arms 1914 wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=12
12/1914 2c bl issue=Villa d d=numeral (1908 Mexico) ovpt=Villa monogram oc=blk on=1908-2c-bl wmk=MEX & eagle perf=14
12/1914 2c grn issue=Villa c d=Leona Vicario (1910) ovpt=Villa monogram oc=blk on=1910-2c-grn wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
12/1914 2c grn issue=Villa b d=arms 1899 2c ovpt=Villa monogram oc=blk on=1903-2c-grn wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
12/1914 2c ver issue=Villa a d=arms 1899 2c ovpt=Villa monogram oc=blk on=1899-2c-ver wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
official 1915 2c grn issue=1915 official d=Statue of Cuauhtemoc wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=Rouletted 14.5
2/1915 2c bl issue=Carranza c d=numeral (1908 Mexico) ovpt=Carranza monogram oc=blk on=1908-2c-bl wmk=MEX & eagle perf=14
2/1915 2c grn issue=Carranza b d=Leona Vicario (1910) ovpt=Carranza monogram oc=blk on=1910-2c-grn wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
7/1915 2c emer issue=Oaxaca provisional wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS
9/16/1915 2c grn issue=1915 wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=roul 14
12/20/1915 2c grn issue=1915b wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=12
(plus 47 more) (See all uses as list)