Desc: 1c
Currency: Surinamese guilder (100ct=100c=1g=1f)
Numerical sorting value: 60
Users of this denom: Surinam (27 stamps, 1885-1992)
Used by 27 stamps of Surinam: (See all uses as list)
1885 1c lilgray issue=1873 d=King William III (1873 Surinam) perf=13.5x13.25
9/1890 1c gray d=numeral (1890 Surinam) perf=12.5
1902 1c olgrn issue=1902 d=numeral (1902 Surinam) perf=12.5
5/12/1914 1c olgrn issue=1913 d=numeral (1912) perf=12.5
postage due 1931 1c lil issue=1913 due d=numeral (1889 due) perf=12.5
semipostal 8/1/1935 1c issue=200th anniv. of the Moravian Mission in Suri d=Symbol of the Moravians perf=12.75x14
1936 1c yelgrn issue=1936 d=Van Walbeecks ship (1936) perf=13.5x12.5
postage due 9/20/1937 1c ltvio issue=1937 due perf=13.5x12.5
1941 1c yelgrn d=ship side frame lines perf=12
postage due 1945 1c ltbrnvio d=numeral (1945 Surinam) perf=12
11/5/1945 1c rosecar issue=1945b d=bauxite mine & Queen Wilhelmina perf=12
7/21/1948 1c red issue=1948 d=numeral (1950) perf=12.5x13.5
postage due 1950 1c lil issue=1950 due perf=13.5x12.5
8/9/1950 1c dporg d=sugar cane train & Queen Wilhelmina ovpt=1 Cent oc=blk on=11/5/1945-7 1/2c perf=12
postage due 1956 1c lil issue=1956 due perf=13.5x12.5
3/1/1961 1c dt=crops (1961) d=bananas (1961) perf=13.25x13.5
2/16/1966 1c dt=birds (1966 Surinam) d=red-breasted blackbird
2/18/1976 1c dt=Surinam orchids d=Oncidium lanceanum (1976) perf=14.5x13
6/2/1976 1c issue=1976 dt=fishes (1976 Surinam) d=Pomacanthus semicirculatus (1976) perf=12.5x13
6/8/1977 1c issue=1977 dt=fishes (1977 Surinam) d=Liopropoma carmabi (1977) perf=12.75x13.25
11/23/1977 1c issue=1977 surcharges perf=13.5x14
6/21/1978 1c dt=tropical fishes (1978) d=Nannacara anomala perf=12.5x13
5/30/1979 1c issue=Fishes 1979 dt=fishes (1979 Surinam) d=Equetus punctatus perf=14x12.75
1/12/1983 1c dt=flower paintings by Maria Sibylle Merian (1983) d=Erythrina fusca (1983) perf=14x12.75
9/14/1983 1c dt=butterfly drawings by Maria Sibylle Merian d=Papilio anchisiades perf=12.75x14
8/17/1992 1c issue=1992 provisional perf=13.25x13.5
8/17/1992 1c issue=1992 provisional perf=13.25x13.5