Desc: 40c
Currency: Belize dollar (100c=1$)
Numerical sorting value: 2400
Users of this denom: Belize (19 stamps, 1980-2020)
Used by 19 stamps of Belize: (See all uses as list)
10/3/1980 40c issue=ESPAMER '80 dt=birds (1977 Belize) d=ornate hawk-eagle Spizaetus ornatus (1980) oc=blk on=6/16/1980-50c perf=13.5
10/3/1980 40c issue=ESPAMER '80 dt=birds (1977 Belize) d=Golden-Masked Tanager Tangara nigrocincta larvata oc=blk on=6/16/1980-$1 perf=13.5
10/3/1980 40c issue=ESPAMER '80 dt=birds (1977 Belize) d=white-necked puffbird Notharchus hyperrhynchus oc=blk on=6/16/1980-45c perf=13.5
11/24/1980 40c issue=International Year of the Child 2 dt=Sleeping Beauty scenes perf=14
3/21/1988 40c issue=Easter 1988 dt=Stations of the Cross (1988) d=Falls the Second Time perf=13.75
3/21/1988 40c issue=Easter 1988 dt=Stations of the Cross (1988) d=Laid in the Sepulcher perf=13.75
3/21/1988 40c issue=Easter 1988 dt=Stations of the Cross (1988) d=Taken Down from the Cross perf=13.75
3/21/1988 40c issue=Easter 1988 dt=Stations of the Cross (1988) d=Dies perf=13.75
3/21/1988 40c issue=Easter 1988 dt=Stations of the Cross (1988) d=Nailed to the Cross perf=13.75
3/21/1988 40c issue=Easter 1988 dt=Stations of the Cross (1988) d=Stripped of his Robes perf=13.75
3/21/1988 40c issue=Easter 1988 dt=Stations of the Cross (1988) d=Jesus Falls the Third Time perf=13.75
3/21/1988 40c issue=Easter 1988 dt=Stations of the Cross (1988) d=Consoles woman perf=13.75
3/21/1988 40c issue=Easter 1988 dt=Stations of the Cross (1988) d=Veronica Wipes Jesus Face perf=13.75
3/21/1988 40c issue=Easter 1988 dt=Stations of the Cross (1988) d=Cyrenean Takes up the Cross perf=13.75
3/21/1988 40c issue=Easter 1988 dt=Stations of the Cross (1988) d=Meets His Mother Mary perf=13.75
3/21/1988 40c issue=Easter 1988 dt=Stations of the Cross (1988) d=Falls the First Time perf=13.75
3/21/1988 40c issue=Easter 1988 dt=Stations of the Cross (1988) d=Carrying the Cross perf=13.75
3/21/1988 40c issue=Easter 1988 dt=Stations of the Cross (1988) d=Jesus Condemned to Death perf=13.75
4/29/2020 40c issue=Birds of Belize 2020 dt=birds of Belize (2020) d=Pyrocephalus obscurus