Desc: 40c
Currency: Congolese franc (100c=1fr)
Numerical sorting value: 2400
Users of this denom: Belgian Congo (12 stamps, 1896-1959), Democratic Republic of the Congo (8 stamps, 1960-1963), Belgian occupation of German East Africa (3 stamps, 1916), Katanga (2 stamps, 1960), RuandaUrundi (5 stamps, 1925-1959)
Used by 30 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Belgian Congo 11/21/1896 40c blgrn&blk issue=1894 d=canoe (1896) perf=11-16
Belgian Congo 1908 40c blgrn&blk issue=1908 d=canoe (1896) ovpt=CONGO BELGE oc=blk on=issue=1894-40c perf=11-16
Belgian Congo 1/1/1910 40c blgrn&blk issue=1910 dt=scenic bilingual
Belgian Congo 11/1915 40c brnred&blk issue=1910 dt=scenic bilingual
Belgian occupation of German East Africa 1916 40c brnred&blk issue=1916a dt=scenic bilingual ovpt=Ruanda oc=blk on=issuer=Belgian Congo-1915-40c-brnred&blk
Belgian occupation of German East Africa 1916 40c brnred&blk issue=1916b dt=scenic bilingual ovpt=Urundi oc=blk on=issuer=Belgian Congo-1915-40c-brnred&blk
Belgian occupation of German East Africa 1916 40c brnred&blk issue=1916c dt=scenic bilingual ovpt=EST AFRICAIN ALLEMAND//... oc=blk on=issuer=Belgian Congo-1915-40c-brnred&blk
RuandaUrundi 1925 40c vio issue=1924 d=Ubangi man ovpt=RUANDA//URUNDi oc=blk on=issuer=Belgian Congo-40c-vio perf=12
Belgian Congo 1925 40c vio issue=1923 d=Ubangi man perf=12
Belgian Congo 6/30/1928 40c redbrn d=Henry Morton Stanley (1928) perf=14
Belgian Congo 1/15/1931 40c grn issue=1931b d=woodcarver (1923) oc=blk on=1927-35c-woodcarver perf=12
Belgian Congo 1/15/1931 40c grn issue=1931a d=Henry Morton Stanley (1928) oc=blk on=1928-35c perf=14
RuandaUrundi 8/25/1931 40c grn issue=1931 d=cattle herders
Belgian Congo 1932 40c grn issue=1931c d=flutists perf=11.5
RuandaUrundi 1948 40c vio dt=Bantu art
Belgian Congo 4/20/1948 40c dt=Bantu art d=“Ngadimuashi” female mask perf=12x12.5
Belgian Congo 5/2/1952 40c issue=1952 dt=flowers (1952 Belgian Congo) d=Ipomoea filicaulis perf=11.75
RuandaUrundi 3/1/1953 40c dt=flowers (1953 RuandaUrundi) d=Ipomoea
RuandaUrundi 10/15/1959 40c issue=animals d=colobus monkey
Belgian Congo 10/15/1959 40c dt=mammals (1959) d=giraffe (1959 Belgian Congo) perf=11.75
Democratic Republic of the Congo 6/6/1960 40c issue=1960b animals ovpt=CONGO oc=blk on=issuer=Belgian Congo-40c
Democratic Republic of the Congo 6/6/1960 40c issue=1960a flowers dt=flowers (1952 Belgian Congo) d=Ipomoea filicaulis ovpt=CONGO oc=blk on=issuer=Belgian Congo-issue=1952-40c perf=11.75
Katanga 9/19/1960 40c issue=1960 animals ovpt=KATANGA oc=blk on=issuer=Belgian Congo-40c
Katanga 9/22/1960 40c issue=1960 flowers ovpt=KATANGA oc=blk on=issuer=Belgian Congo-40c
Democratic Republic of the Congo 6/30/1961 40c issue=independence 1st d=Kasavubu
Democratic Republic of the Congo 7/31/1961 40c issue=parliament reopening d=Kasavubu ovpt=REOUVERTURE//... oc=blk on=issue=independence 1st-40c
Democratic Republic of the Congo 1/20/1962 40c issue=Dag Hammarskjold memorial
Democratic Republic of the Congo 10/15/1962 40c issue=govt reorg ovpt=Paix,//... oc=blk on=1/20/1962-40c
Democratic Republic of the Congo 5/25/1963 40c issue=Red Cross 100th d=Cinchona
Democratic Republic of the Congo 8/31/1963 40c issue=1963 dt=birds (1963 Democratic Republic of the Congo) d=Sphenorhynchus abdimi