Desc: 5p
Currency: Serbian dinar (100pa=100p=1nd=1din=1d)
Numerical sorting value: 300
Users of this denom: Serbia (22 stamps, 1880-1920), Slovenia/Yugoslavia (1 stamp, 1920), Carinthia (1 stamp, 1920)
Used by 24 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Serbia 1880 5p grn d=King Milan I
Serbia 1890 5p grn d=Alexander I of Serbia (1890)
Serbia 1894 5p grn d=King Alexander of Serbia 1904 paper=granite
Serbia postage due 1895 5p redlil d=numeral on arms of Serbia paper=granite
Serbia 1898 5p grn d=King Alexander of Serbia 1904
Serbia 1901 5p grn issue=1901 d=Alexander I of Serbia (1901)
Serbia 1903 5p yelgrn&blk issue=1903a ovpt=arms oc=blk on=5p-yelgrn&blk-unissued
Serbia 1903 5p issue=1903b ovpt=arms oc=blk on=5p-unissued
Serbia postage due 1904 5p d=numeral on arms of Serbia paper=laid
Serbia 9/21/1904 5p yelgrn issue=dynasty 100th d=Karageorge & King Peter I
Serbia 1905 5p yelgrn&blk d=King Peter I (1905) paper=wove
Serbia postage due 1906 5p d=numeral on arms of Serbia paper=granite
Serbia 1908 5p yelgrn&blk d=King Peter I (1905) paper=laid
Serbia postage due 1909 5p mag d=numeral on arms of Serbia paper=laid
Serbia newspaper 1911 5p paper=laid
Serbia 7/14/1911 5p grn issue=1911 d=King Peter I (1911) paper=laid
Serbia postage due 1914 5p rose d=numeral on arms of Serbia paper=glazed
Serbia 1914 5p yelgrn issue=1911 d=King Peter I (1911) paper=laid
Serbia 1915 5p yelgrn d=King Peter & military staff paper=laid
Serbia 1918 5p apgrn issue=1918 d=King Peter I & Prince Alexander paper=laid
Serbia postage due 1918 5p red d=arms 1918 paper=laid
Serbia postage due 1920 5p redbrn d=arms 1918 paper=laid
Slovenia/Yugoslavia 1920 5p dkolgrn issue=1920 d=chain breaker perf=serrate roul 13.5
Carinthia 1920 5p gray issue=1920 d=Eros (1919) ovpt=misc oc=blk on=issuer=Slovenia/Yugoslavia-type=newspaper-1919-4f-gray perf=serrate roul 13.5