Desc: 35c
Currency: Swazi lilangeni (100c=1e)
Numerical sorting value: 2100
Users of this denom: Swaziland (24 stamps, 1982-1996)
Used by 24 stamps of Swaziland: (See all uses as list)
6/16/1982 35c dt=African Fishing Owl d=Scotpelia peli wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=13.5x13
6/16/1982 35c dt=African Fishing Owl d=Scotpelia peli wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=13.5x13
6/16/1982 35c dt=African Fishing Owl d=Scotpelia peli wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=13.5x13
6/16/1982 35c dt=African Fishing Owl d=Scotpelia peli wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=13.5x13
6/16/1982 35c dt=African Fishing Owl d=Scotpelia peli wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=13.5x13
5/16/1983 35c dt=Bearded Vultures d=Gypaetus barbatus (1983) wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=13.5x13
5/16/1983 35c dt=Bearded Vultures d=Gypaetus barbatus (1983) wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=13.5x13
5/16/1983 35c dt=Bearded Vultures d=Gypaetus barbatus (1983) wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=13.5x13
5/16/1983 35c dt=Bearded Vultures d=Gypaetus barbatus (1983) wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=13.5x13
5/16/1983 35c dt=Bearded Vultures d=Gypaetus barbatus (1983) wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=13.5x13
5/18/1984 35c dt=Bald Ibis d=Geronticus calvus (1984) wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=13.25
5/18/1984 35c dt=Bald Ibis d=Geronticus calvus (1984) wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=13.25
5/18/1984 35c dt=Bald Ibis d=Geronticus calvus (1984) wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=13.25
5/18/1984 35c dt=Bald Ibis d=Geronticus calvus (1984) wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=13.25
5/18/1984 35c dt=Bald Ibis d=Geronticus calvus (1984) wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=13.25
3/17/1987 35c issue=1987 dt=butterflies (1987 Swaziland) d=Graphium leonidas (1987 Swaziland) perf=14
10/19/1987 35c dt=flowers (1987 Swaziland) d=Danse de feu wmk=crown & script CA spiral perf=14.25
8/22/1988 35c issue=Olympics 1988 wmk=crown & script CA spiral perf=14.25
1/16/1989 35c dt=mammals (1989) d=Cercopithecus aethiops (1989) wmk=crown & script CA spiral perf=14
8/26/1992 35c issue=1992 dt=butterflies (1992 Swaziland) d=Graphium leonidas (1992) perf=14
4/7/1995 35c dt=handicrafts (1995) perf=13.5x13.75
6/5/1995 35c issue=50th Anniversary of Food and Agriculture Organization perf=13.5x13.25
9/27/1995 35c dt=turacos d=Tauraco corythaix perf=13.25x12.75
1/17/1996 35c dt=reptiles (1996 Swaziland) d=Chamaeleo dilepsis (1996) perf=13.25x12.75