Desc: 50c
Currency: Ugandan shilling (100c=1sh)
Numerical sorting value: 3000
Users of this denom: Uganda (18 stamps, 1962-1978)
Used by 18 stamps of Uganda: (See all uses as list)
7/28/1962 50c blvio&blk issue=Nile source discovery 100th d=Ripon Waterfall & Speke monument wmk=St Edwards crown & CA perf=14
10/9/1962 50c issue=independence d=Mountains of the Moon perf=15x14
10/9/1965 50c dt=birds (1965 Uganda) d=whale-headed stork (1965)
10/26/1967 50c issue=13th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference d=State coat of arms perf=14.5
10/9/1969 50c dt=flowers (1969 Uganda) d=Spathodea nilotica
10/9/1975 50c dt=crops (1975) d=tomatoes - Lycopersicon perf=14.25x14.75
4/15/1976 50c issue=communications d=microwave tower
7/5/1976 50c issue=Olympics 1976 d=Akii Bua
10/4/1976 50c dt=railways d=Passengers Train Tanzania-Zambia Bridge
1/10/1977 50c dt=game fish (1977) d=Nile perch perf=14.5
1/15/1977 50c issue=2nd Black & African Festival d=Masai Manyatta Kenia perf=13.75x14
4/5/1977 50c issue=Safari Rally 25th d=automobile Passing through village perf=14
6/30/1977 50c issue=Ugandan church 100th d=Rev Canon Apolo Kivebulaya baptising a child perf=14
9/26/1977 50c dt=endangered species (1977 joint) d=pancake tortoise perf=14
5/3/1978 50c issue=World Cup Soccer 1978 d=Soccer scene & Joe Kadenge perf=14.25x14
7/10/1978 50c issue=Commonwealth Games 1978 d=shot put
9/11/1978 50c issue=World Cup 1978 winners d=Polly Ouma
9/25/1978 50c issue=blood pressure d=Measurements of high blood pressure perf=14