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15c denom (#12655)

  • Colnect-2788-348-Mail-Coach.jpg
  • Colnect-2788-360-Mail-Coach.jpg
  • Colnect-2793-623-shield-of-Mexico.jpg
  • Colnect-820-921-Epicmenio-Gonzales.jpg
  • Colnect-2800-746-Denver-issueProvisional.jpg
  • Colnect-2800-971-Epicmenio-Gonzales.jpg
  • Colnect-2844-211-Allegory-of-airmailing.jpg
  • Colnect-2836-795-Mexico-Excelsior-airplane.jpg
  • Colnect-2836-801-Allegory-of-airmailing.jpg
  • Colnect-2846-217-Habilitado-1930ovprnt.jpg
  • Colnect-3677-064-Habilitado-1930ovprnt.jpg
  • Colnect-2836-783-Bartolom%C3%A9-de-las-Casas.jpg
  • Colnect-5491-863-Airplane-Citlaltepetl.jpg
  • Colnect-5802-436-Libertycolumn-Mexico-City.jpg
  • Colnect-862-714-Postman.jpg
  • Colnect-2878-453-Orizaba-Volcano.jpg
  • Colnect-2001-047-Arms-of-Mexico-and-Stamp-of-1st-US-Issue.jpg
  • Colnect-2618-180-Cadet-Augustin-Melgar.jpg
  • Colnect-4247-846-Bridge--highway.jpg
  • Colnect-739-460-Railroad-Laborer.jpg
  • Colnect-4947-902-Benito-Juarez.jpg
  • Colnect-4278-091-Benito-Juarez.jpg
  • Colnect-4185-849-Worker.jpg
Desc: 15c

Currency: Mexican peso (100c=8r=1p=1np=1n$=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 900

Users of this denom: Mexico (54 stamps, 1895-1963)

Used by 54 stamps of Mexico: (See all uses as list)

official 1895 15c grnbl issue=1895 official wmk=CORREOS E U M perf=12
1895 15c grnbl issue=1895 d=mail coach (1895) wmk=CORREOS E U M perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
1896 15c grnbl issue=1896 wmk=RM interlaced perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
official 1896 15c grnbl issue=1896 official wmk=RM interlaced perf=12
1897 15c issue=1897 wmk=eagle & RM perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
official 1897 15c grnbl issue=1897 official wmk=eagle & RM perf=12
1898 15c grnbl issue=1898 d=mail coach (1895) perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
official 1898 15c grnbl issue=1898 official perf=12
1899 15c lav&cl issue=1899 d=arms 1899 15c wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
official 1900 15c vio&redpur issue=1900 official wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=14, 15
official 1910 15c vio&lil issue=1910 official wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=14
1910 15c graybl&cl issue=independence 100th d=Epigmenio Gonzalez wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
official 1911 15c grayvio&brnred issue=1911 official wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=14.5
8/1914 15c graybl&cl issue=dollar overprint b d=Epigmenio Gonzalez ovpt=GOBIERNO//$//CONSTITUCIONALISTA sideways oc=blk on=1910-15c wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
8/1914 15c lav&cl issue=dollar overprint a d=arms 1899 15c ovpt=GOBIERNO//$//CONSTITUCIONALISTA sideways oc=blk on=1899-15c wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
8/1914 15c roselil issue=Denver d=arms 1914 wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=12
12/1914 15c graybl&cl issue=Villa c d=Epigmenio Gonzalez ovpt=Villa monogram oc=blk on=1910-15c-graybl&cl wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
12/1914 15c lav&cl issue=Villa a d=arms 1899 15c ovpt=Villa monogram oc=blk on=1899-15c-lav&cl wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
2/1915 15c lav&cl issue=Carranza a ovpt=Carranza monogram oc=blk on=15c-lav&cl
2/1915 15c graybl&cl issue=Carranza b d=Epigmenio Gonzalez ovpt=Carranza monogram oc=blk on=1910-15c-graybl&cl wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
official 1916 15c grayvio&brn&red issue=1916 official c wmk=MEX & eagle perf=14.5
3/20/1916 15c roselil issue=1916i on Denver d=arms 1914 ovpt=Corbata oc=blk on=issue=Denver-15c wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=12
3/20/1916 15c graybl&cl issue=1916g on Villa d=Epigmenio Gonzalez ovpt=Corbata on Villa oc=blk on=issue=Villa c-15c wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
3/20/1916 15c graybl&cl issue=1916e on Carranza d=Epigmenio Gonzalez ovpt=Corbata on Carranza oc=blk on=issue=Carranza b-15c wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
3/20/1916 15c graybl&cl issue=1916c d=Epigmenio Gonzalez ovpt=Corbata on dollar oc=blk on=1910-15c-graybl&cl wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
3/20/1916 15c graybl&cl issue=1916b d=Epigmenio Gonzalez ovpt=Corbata oc=blk on=1910-15c-graybl&cl wmk=SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS perf=5.5x11,misc paper=blue lines
3/20/1916 15c lav&cl issue=1916a ovpt=Corbata oc=blk on=15c-lav&cl
airmail 1929 15c brncar issue=1929 air d=arms of Mexico & airplane wmk=MEX & eagle
airmail 6/19/1929 15c issue=1929 air b d=Carranza & airplane wmk=MEX & eagle perf=12
airmail 1930 15c car issue=1930 air d=arms of Mexico & airplane wmk=MEX & eagle perf=roul
airmail 9/1/1930 15c d=Carranza & airplane ovpt=HABILITADO//1930 oc=blk on=6/19/1929-15c wmk=MEX & eagle perf=12
airmail 12/18/1930 15c d=Carranza & airplane ovpt=HABILITIDO//Aereo//1930-1931 oc=blk on=6/19/1929-15c wmk=MEX & eagle perf=12
airmail 1931 15c brnol d=arms of Mexico & airplane oc=blk on=issue=1930 air-20c wmk=MEX & eagle perf=roul
airmail 1931 15c brnol d=arms of Mexico & airplane oc=blk on=issue=1929 air-20c wmk=MEX & eagle
airmail official 9/1/1931 15c gray d=++on=20c wmk=CORREOS MEXICO perf=12.5
airmail official 1932 15c car issue=1932 official air wmk=CORREOS MEXICO perf=12
airmail official 1932 15c car issue=1932 official air d=Perf: Rouletted 13 wmk=CORREOS MEXICO perf=12
3/3/1933 15c dkbl d=Bartome de las Casas wmk=CORREOS MEXICO perf=Rouletted 14.5
official 1934 15c ultra wmk=CORREOS MEXICO perf=Rouletted 14.5
airmail 12/1/1934 15c dkgrn issue=1934 air wmk=CORREOS MEXICO
12/1/1934 15c ltbl issue=1934 d=Angel of Independence wmk=CORREOS MEXICO perf=10.5
airmail 1944 15c dkgrn issue=1944 air wmk=S.H.C.P. MEXICO & eagle perf=10x10.5
1946 15c issue=1944 wmk=S.H.C.P. MEXICO & eagle perf=14
airmail 1947 15c dkgrn issue=1947 air wmk=GOBIERNO MEXICANO & eagle
1947 15c blgrn d=postman (1947) wmk=GOBIERNO MEXICANO & eagle perf=14
5/16/1947 15c grn issue=International philatelic exhibition 1947 d=arms of Mexico & Stamp of 1st US Issue wmk=GOBIERNO MEXICANO & eagle perf=14
9/8/1947 15c prusgrn issue=battles 100th d=Agustin Melgar wmk=GOBIERNO MEXICANO & eagle
5/5/1950 15c issue=highway completion perf=10.5x10
5/24/1950 15c issue=southeastern railroad d=Railroad Laborer wmk=GOBIERNO MEXICANO & eagle perf=10x10.5
1951 15c dkgrn issue=1950 d=Benito Juarez wmk=GOBIERNO MEXICANO & eagle perf=14
(plus 4 more) (See all uses as list)