Prev: 14c (Canadian dollar)
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15c denom (#12599)

  • Colnect-3108-236-Queen-Victoria---thick-paper.jpg
  • STS-Canada-1-300dpi.jpg-crop-280x340at1984-607.jpg
  • Colnect-210-233-Queen-Victoria---greenish-grey-perrf-11-frac12--x-12.jpg
  • Colnect-471-962-Queen-Victoria.jpg
  • Colnect-471-983-Champlain--s-Departure-for-the-West.jpg
  • Colnect-4018-788-Reproduction-of-three-penny-stamp-of-1851.jpg
  • Colnect-1248-040-Northern-Gannet-Morus-bassanus.jpg
  • Colnect-661-275-Posthorn---Globe.jpg
  • Colnect-1248-041-Canada-Goose-Branta-canadensis.jpg
  • Colnect-1295-946-Bylot-Island-by-Lawren-Stewart-Harris.jpg
  • Colnect-514-176-Armistice-Monument-Vimy.jpg
  • Colnect-2053-547-Vickers-Vimy-over-Atlantic.jpg
  • Colnect-700-857-United-Nations.jpg
  • Colnect-703-278-Trees-and-Sledge-J-Dojcak.jpg
  • Colnect-1544-473-Radio-Canada-International-speaking-to-the-world.jpg
  • Colnect-2442-069-Snowflakes.jpg
  • Colnect-2741-948-Earth-Sciences--Cartography.jpg
  • Colnect-2757-426-Earth-Sciences--Photogrammetry.jpg
  • Colnect-2757-428-Earth-Sciences--Geography.jpg
  • Colnect-2757-427-Earth-Sciences--Geology.jpg
  • Colnect-2767-657-Bighorn-Sheep-Ovis-canadensis-Western-Canada.jpg
  • Colnect-2744-256-Candles.jpg
  • Colnect-2433-976-The-Musical-Ride.jpg
  • Colnect-2433-985-James-Edward-Hervey-MacDonald.jpg
  • Colnect-3218-827-Queen-Elizabeth-II.jpg
  • Colnect-2747-780-Olympic-Games-Montreal-1976.jpg
  • Colnect-2434-123-Shepherd-and-star.jpg
  • Colnect-2432-297-Mercury-with-Winged-Horses.jpg
  • Colnect-2433-143--quot-Village-in-the-Laurentian-Mountains-quot--CA-Gagnon.jpg
  • Colnect-2430-224-Trees-R-Kowalski.jpg
  • Colnect-2421-240-Trembling-Aspen.jpg
  • Colnect-748-352-Canada-Violet-Viola-canadensis.jpg
  • Colnect-2752-622-Toy-train.jpg
  • Colnect-748-288-Christmas-Morning-F-C-Hennessey.jpg
  • Colnect-748-281-Christmas-Tree-1781.jpg
  • Colnect-1011-320-Christmas-Tree-1881.jpg
  • Colnect-748-282-Christmas-Tree-1981.jpg
Desc: 15c

Currency: Canadian dollar (100c=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 900

Users of this denom: Canada (38 stamps, 1868-1981)

Used by 38 stamps of Canada: (See all uses as list)

1868 15c grayvio issue=large Queen d=Queen Victoria (large Queen) perf=12 paper=wove
1868 15c gray issue=large Queen d=Queen Victoria (large Queen) perf=12 paper=wove
1875 15c blgray issue=large Queen d=Queen Victoria (large Queen) perf=12 paper=wove
6/19/1897 15c bl issue=Jubilee d=Queen Victoria, 1837 & 1897 perf=12
7/16/1908 15c redorg issue=Quebec 300th d=Champlain departing westward perf=12
9/24/1951 15c ver issue=postal 100th d=beaver (1951) perf=12
4/1/1954 15c gray d=gannet perf=12
8/14/1957 15c ind issue=UPU Congress 1957 d=posthorn & Map of Canada perf=12
10/30/1963 15c viobl d=Canada geese perf=12
11/30/1963 15c bl d=jet
2/8/1967 15c dlpur issue=1967 d=Bylot Island by Lawren Harris perf=12
10/15/1968 15c slblk issue=armistice 50th d=Armistice Monument Vimy perf=12
6/13/1969 15c issue=non-stop transatlantic flight 50th d=Vickers Vimy over Atlantic perf=12x12.5
5/13/1970 15c issue=UN 25th perf=11
10/7/1970 15c issue=Christmas 1970 d=Trees & Sledge J Dojcak perf=12
6/1/1971 15c d=maple leaves perf=12
10/6/1971 15c d=snowflake (1971) perf=12
8/2/1972 15c dt=earth sciences d=Contour Lines perf=12
8/2/1972 15c dt=earth sciences d=Aerial Map Photography perf=12
8/2/1972 15c dt=earth sciences d=Aerial View of Town perf=12
8/2/1972 15c dt=earth sciences d=Geological Fault perf=12
9/8/1972 15c bl&orgbrn issue=1972 d=bighorn sheep (1972 Canada) perf=12.5x12
11/1/1972 15c issue=Christmas 1972 d=Candles & Gifts perf=11
3/9/1973 15c issue=RCMP 100th d=musical ride perf=11
6/8/1973 15c issue=J.E.H. MacDonald 100th d=by J.E.H. MacDonald perf=12.5
8/2/1973 15c issue=Royal Visit 1973 d=Queen Elizabeth II (1973 Canada) perf=12x12.5
9/20/1973 15c issue=Olympics 1976 in 1973 perf=12x12.5
11/7/1973 15c issue=Christmas 1973 d=shepherd & star
10/9/1974 15c issue=UPU 100th d=Mercury with Winged Horses & UPU emblem perf=12x12.5
11/1/1974 15c issue=Christmas 1974 d=Village in the Laurentian Mountains perf=13.25
10/22/1975 15c issue=Christmas 1975 d=Christmas- Christmas trees
8/8/1977 15c issue=1977 d=aspen perf=13.5
1979 15c issue=1977 updates d=Canada violet perf=13x13.5
10/17/1979 15c issue=Christmas 1979 dt=antique toys (1979) d=wooden train perf=13x13.5
10/22/1980 15c issue=Christmas 1980 dt=1931 greeting cards d=Christmas Morning perf=12.5x12
11/16/1981 15c issue=Christmas 1981 d=tree 1781 perf=13.5
11/16/1981 15c issue=Christmas 1981 d=tree 1881 perf=13.5
11/16/1981 15c issue=Christmas 1981 d=tree 1981 perf=13.5