Desc: 75c
Currency: Italian Somaliland lira (100c=1l)
Numerical sorting value: 4500
Users of this denom: Oltre Giuba (1 stamp, 1925), Somalia (6 stamps, 1926-1936)
Used by 7 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Oltre Giuba 7/29/1925 75c dkred&rose issue=1925 d=Victor Emmanuel III (1901 b) ovpt=OLTRE GIUBA(large) oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-issue=1901-1926-75c wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Somalia 6/1926 75c issue=1926b ovpt=SOMALIA//ITALIANA oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-75c
Somalia 12/4/1930 75c issue=Virgil 2000th ovpt=SOMALIA oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-75c
Somalia 5/7/1931 75c issue=St Anthony of Padua ovpt=Somalia oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-75c
Somalia 1932 75c car issue=1932 d=governor's palace, Mogadishu wmk=crown (Italy)
Somalia airmail 10/1934 75c brn&redorg issue=2nd Colonial Arts Exhibition d=plane over coastline wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Somalia airmail 1936 75c orgbrn issue=1936 air wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14