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75(c) denom (#12526)

  • Colnect-1902-306-Common-Ringed-Plover-Charadrius-hiaticula.jpg
  • Colnect-617-117-Navelwort-Umbilicus-rupestris.jpg
  • Colnect-1955-122-Ash-Fraxinus-excelsior.jpg
  • Colnect-1955-125-1916-2006.jpg
  • Colnect-1955-127-Europa.jpg
  • Colnect-1955-140-The-Somme.jpg
  • Colnect-1955-155-Ryder-Cup-1927-2006-The-K-Club.jpg
  • Colnect-1955-156-Ryder-Cup-1927-2006-The-K-Club.jpg
  • Colnect-1955-161-River-Erne-Belturbet-Marina.jpg
  • Colnect-1955-158-Grand-Canal-Cornalaur.jpg
  • Colnect-1955-159-River-Barrow-Graiguenamanagh.jpg
  • Colnect-1955-160-River-Shannon-Meelick-Quay.jpg
  • Colnect-1955-168-Altan.jpg
  • Colnect-1955-166-The-Clancy-Brothers---Tommy-Makem.jpg
  • Colnect-1955-174-Shepherd-with-Lamb.jpg
  • Colnect-1718-884-Irish-Franciscan-College-Louvain-1607-2007.jpg
  • Colnect-1718-885-Luke-Wadking-OFM-1588-1657.jpg
  • Colnect-1718-889-Year-of-the-Pig.jpg
  • Colnect-1718-890-Year-of-the-Pig-from-m-s.jpg
  • Colnect-1718-892-Shamrock.jpg
  • Colnect-717-359-Bicycle-with-globes-as-wheels.jpg
  • Colnect-722-840-Letter.jpg
  • Colnect-735-220-Pinkeltje.jpg
  • Colnect-735-224-Gnome-from-Rien-Poortvliet.jpg
  • Colnect-735-223-Paulus-The-Wood-Gnome.jpg
  • Colnect-735-222-Piggelmee.jpg
  • Colnect-735-221-Upturned-Nose-And-Pim.jpg
  • AX005.10.jpg
  • Colnect-5191-626-Platycodon-grandiflorus---Balloon-flower.jpg
  • AT002.11.jpg
  • Colnect-5436-793-Cathedral-Saint-Peter-Regensburg-built-1273-1520.jpg
  • Colnect-983-909-Old-Town-of-Regensburg-World-Heritage-2006.jpg
  • AT010.11.jpg
  • Colnect-863-882-Birth-auml-lmer-church-castle-Transylvania.jpg
  • Colnect-5194-135-Pf-auml-lzerh-uuml-tte-and-Buildings-R-auml-tikon.jpg
  • Colnect-5191-572-100-year-Mittenwald-Railway.jpg
  • Colnect-2424-826-50-years-Elys-eacute-e-Treaty.jpg
  • Colnect-1593-146-50-years-Fehmarnsundbr-uuml-cke.jpg
  • Colnect-1593-144-50-years-Fehmarnsundbr-uuml-cke.jpg
  • Colnect-1644-599-Sun-Temple-Bayreuth.jpg
  • Colnect-1820-456-200th-Birthday-Ludwig-Leichhardt.jpg
  • Colnect-1931-637-Stolzenfels-Palace-on-the-Rhine.jpg
  • Colnect-2217-437-100-year-First-World-War----No-more-War-ever.jpg
Desc: 75(c)

Currency: euro (100c=1e)

Numerical sorting value: 4500

Equivalent denoms: 0,75€ (14), 0.75€ (335), 0.75e (2)

Users of this denom: Austria (2 stamps, 2011), Åland Islands (1 stamp, 2010), Germany (13 stamps, 2011-2014), Ireland (21 stamps, 2003-2007), Netherlands (7 stamps, 2008)

Used by 44 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Ireland 1/6/2003 75(c) issue=2002 dt=birds (1997 Ireland) d=Charadrius hiaticula (1998 Ireland) perf=15x14
Ireland 2/20/2006 75(c) issue=2006 d=Umbilicus rupestris perf=rouletted
Ireland 2/20/2006 75(c) issue=2006 d=Umbilicus rupestris
Ireland 3/7/2006 75(c) dt=trees (2006 Ireland) d=Fraxinus excelsior perf=13.5
Ireland 4/12/2006 75(c) issue=90th Anniversary of the Uprising against British Dominion
Ireland 5/9/2006 75(c) issue=Europa 2006
Ireland 6/26/2006 75(c) issue=90th Anniversary of the Battle of the Somme perf=13.5
Ireland 9/14/2006 75(c) issue=Celebrating Ireland`s Hosting of the 2006 Ryder Cup Matches - Self-Adhesive Stamps perf=Die Cut 9.5
Ireland 9/14/2006 75(c) issue=Celebrating Ireland`s Hosting of the 2006 Ryder Cup Matches - Self-Adhesive Stamps perf=Die Cut 9.5
Ireland 10/20/2006 75(c) issue=Waterways in Ireland d=River Erne Belturbet Marina perf=13.5
Ireland 10/20/2006 75(c) issue=Waterways in Ireland d=Grand Canal Cornalaur perf=13.5
Ireland 10/20/2006 75(c) issue=Waterways in Ireland d=River Barrow Graiguenamanagh perf=13.5
Ireland 10/20/2006 75(c) issue=Waterways in Ireland d=River Shannon Meelick Quay perf=13.5
Ireland 11/7/2006 75(c) issue=Irish Music Groups 2006 d=Altan
Ireland 11/7/2006 75(c) issue=Irish Music Groups 2006 d=The Clancy Brothers Tommy Makem
Ireland 11/9/2006 75(c) issue=Christmas 2006 d=Shepherd with lamb
Ireland 1/24/2007 75(c) d=400th Anniversary of the Irish Franc
Ireland 1/24/2007 75(c) d=350th Anniversary of the Death of Lu
Ireland 2/9/2007 75(c) issue=Year of the Pig 2007
Ireland 2/9/2007 75(c) issue=Year of the Pig 2007
Ireland 2/9/2007 75(c) issue=St Patrick's Day 2007 d=Shamrock
Netherlands 1/2/2008 75(c) issue=Environmental Protection 2008
Netherlands 5/20/2008 75(c) issue=Europa 2008 perf=13.25x13.75
Netherlands 10/1/2008 75(c) issue=Dutch Leprechauns perf=14.25
Netherlands 10/1/2008 75(c) issue=Dutch Leprechauns perf=14.25
Netherlands 10/1/2008 75(c) issue=Dutch Leprechauns perf=14.25
Netherlands 10/1/2008 75(c) issue=Dutch Leprechauns perf=14.25
Netherlands 10/1/2008 75(c) issue=Dutch Leprechauns perf=14.25
Åland Islands 5/3/2010 75(c) dt=passenger ferries d=M/S Skandia perf=13
Germany 1/3/2011 75(c) dt=flowers (2005 Germany) d=Ballonblume perf=14
Austria 1/21/2011 75(c) d=violin & symbolic staff
Germany 2/3/2011 75(c) issue=UNESCO World Heritage Sites d=Regensburg buildings
Germany 2/3/2011 75(c) d=Old Town of Regensburg
Austria 3/15/2011 75(c) dt=motorcycles (2011) d=KTM 125
Germany 9/15/2011 75(c) issue=UNESCO World Heritage - Fortified Church of Biertan - Joint Issue with Romania d=Biertan fortified church
Germany 6/14/2012 75(c) issue=Pfälzerhütte, Liechtenstein d=Pfälzerhütte
Germany 8/9/2012 75(c) issue=Centenary of Mittenwald Railway d=Four Car Set on Viaduct
Germany 1/2/2013 75(c) issue=50 years Elysée Treaty perf=13.75
Germany 4/4/2013 75(c) issue=Fehmarn Sound Bridge 50th d=Fehmarnsundbrücke
Germany 4/4/2013 75(c) issue=Fehmarn Sound Bridge 50th d=Fehmarnsundbrücke
Germany 6/6/2013 75(c) issue=Germany-South Korea Joint Issue d=Bayreuth Sonnentempel perf=13.75
Germany 10/10/2013 75(c) issue=200th Birthday of Ludwig Leichhardt d=Ludwig Leichhardt (2013 joint) perf=13.75
Germany 1/2/2014 75(c) issue=Castles and Palaces perf=13.75
Germany 8/7/2014 75(c) grayblk issue=Centenary of Start of World War I perf=14